A: Hello, Martin. Can you swim?
B: Yes, I do. What about you, Eddie?
A: Me too. I learned how to swim last month (上个). I can swim well. Let’s have a race (比赛).
B: OK.
C: Eddie, 47 seconds (秒). Martin, 32 seconds. Come on, Eddie. Martin started swimming at the age of three. Don’t teach a fish how to swim.
1、Where are Martin and Eddie now? (    )
A.In the playground.    B.In the classroom.    C.In the swimming pool.
2、Who can swim? (    )
A.Eddie.    B.Martin.    C.Eddie and Martin.
3、When does Martin start swimming? (    )
A.At the age of three.    B.Last month.    C.Last year.
4、Who wins (赢) the race? (    )
A.Eddie.    B.Martin    C.I don’t know.
5、What does the underline sentence (划线句子) mean in the story? (    )
A.学一条鱼游泳    B.班门弄斧    C.如鱼得水
Mr White is near-sighted. One day he is walking in the street (街道). A strong wind blows his cap off (ff 吹掉……) his head. Mr White begins (开始) to run after (追赶) it. An old woman speaks to him from a window nearby (在附近).
“Hey! What are you doing?” “Running after my cap!” “Your cap? That’s my black cat!”
6、What’s the weather like that day? (    )
A.It’s rainy.    B.It’s windy.    C.It’s sunny.
7、What color is Mr White’s cap? (    )
A.It’s white.    B.It’s red.    C.It’s black.
8、Why does Mr White run after the cat? (    )
A.Because he likes the cat.
B.Because his cap is on the cat.
C.Because he thinks (认为) the cat is his cap.
9、Whose cat is that? (    )
A.It’s Mr White’s.    B.It’s the old woman’s.    C.It’s Mr Black’s.
10、What’s the Chinese meaning (意思) of the word “near-sighted” ? (    )
A.近视的    B.附近的    C.远视的
A: Hello, this is Su Hai speaking.
B: Hi, Su Hai. This is Nancy. How are you?
A: Not so good.
B: What's the matter?
A: I have a fever and a cough.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Where are you, Su Hai?
A: I'm at home.
B: Can I come to see you this evening?
A: OK. See you.
B: See you.
11、__________ is calling Su Hai. (    )
A.Nancy    B.Yang Ling    C.Miss Li
12、Su Hai is _______________. (    )
A.fine    B.not so good    C.happy
13、Su Hai has _____________. (    )
A.a fever    B.a cough    C.both A and B
14、Nancy will (将要) come to see Su Hai _________________. (    )
how are you是什么意思
A.after school    B.in the evening    C.in the morning
15、Su Hai is ______________________. (    )
A.in the school    B.in the hospital    C.at home
It's Children's Day. It's sunny and the wind is gentle. My father and I are in the Shanghai Wild (野生的) Animal Park. We are sitting in the bus and looking at the animals. So many animals in the park! The giraffes are so tall. They are eating leaves from the tall trees. The elephants are playing in the water. The zebras (斑马) are running on the hill. The flamingos (火烈鸟) are drinking water. The pandas are eating bamboos. Suddenly (突然), a brown bear is climbing on our bus. So scared (害怕的)! But we are safe in the bus.
16、I go to Shanghai Wild Animal Park on ______. (    )
A.Children's Day    B.New year's Day    C.Father's Day
17、The giraffes are ______ leaves. (    )
A.drinking    B.eating    C.playing
18、My father and I are sitting in the ______. (    )
A.car    B.bus    C.jeep
19、The flamingos are ______. (    )
A.eating bamboos    B.drinking water    C.playing in the water
20、What does safe mean (意思)? (    )
A.安全的    B.危险的    C.舒服的
Tim: Good morning, Sam.
Sam: Good morning, Tim.
Tim: When do you get up this morning?
Sam: I get up at seven. What about you?
Tim: I get up at six.
Sam: We don’t have any lessons today.
Tim: Yes. Let’s go and play football.
Sam: Great.
Tim: What about Liu Tao?
Sam: He has a swimming lesson today.
Tim: What a pity!
Sam: David can go. He doesn’t have any lessons today.
Tim: Let’s go to the playground.
21、Tim gets up at _____. (  )
A.eleven    B.seven    C.six
22、Tim and Sam go and play _____. (  )
A.table tennis    B.football    C.basketball
23、_____ has a swimming lesson today. (  )
A.Liu Tao    B.Tim    C.Sam
24、Sam gets up at _____. (  )
A.ten    B.seven    C.five
25、They will go to the _____ and play football. (  )
A.classroom    B.farm    C.playground
My name is Jack. I’m a boy from the UK, but now I study in Shanghai. My favourite school day is Thursday, because we have PE and Chinese that day. I like Chinese very much. Miss Liu is our Chinese teacher. She is kind and funny. I have lunch at school from Monday to Friday (从周一到周五). I don’t like vegetables, but carrots are OK. My favourite food is fruit salad. It’s healthy and yummy.
On Saturdays, I often do homework and do some kung fu. Sometimes I visit my Chinese friend Zhang Peng with my parents. Zhang Peng lives in a small village with his parents. There is a river and many high mountains near the village. Their house is very beautiful. A pear tree and an apple tree are in front of the house. I like the pears and apples. They’re very fresh. I like the life in the village. The air is fresh and the water is clean. The people are very friendly.
