高安中学初中英语八年级下册Unit 1经典测试题(培优提高)
1.An old man was standing ________ the road and waiting for the next bus.
A.on the side of    B.on the top of    C.opposite to    D.amongA
句意:------一位老人站在路边等下一辆公共汽车。考查介词短语。A. on the side of站在…一边,在…一边;B. on the top of在…顶部;C. opposite to:在对面;D. among在…之内,在…中间。stand on the side of the road:站在路边。结合句意可知填on the side of;选A。
2.How are you? ---I’m feeling ______.
A.good    B.well    C.better    D.funB
句意:----你好吗?----我感觉很好。A. good好的;优良的;B. well健康的,良好的;好地;C. better更好的(地);D. fun有意思的,有趣的。I’m feeling是现在进行时,feel感官动词,后面跟形容词做表语;I’m feeling good.:我感觉好,这种感觉意义很宽泛;I’m feeling well.:我感觉很好,专指身体健康方面的;I’m feeling better. :我感觉好多了,better是good和well的比较级;I’m feeling fun.:我感到有趣,感到开心。 How are you? 询问你现在身体好吗,没有和以前比较,不需要用比较级,故回答用I’m feeling well.,选B。
3.You are always angry, maybe you have____ “yang”.
A.too    B.too many    C.much too    D.too muchD
句意:你总是生气,也许你有太多的“阳”。A. too太,修饰形容词或副词原级;B. too many太多,修饰可数名词复数; C. much too太,修饰形容词或副词原级;D. too much太多,修饰不可数名词。have 有,及物动词,后面需跟名词,代词做它的宾语;“yang”是不可数名词,故选D。
4.—What’s the matter ___ your bike?  —It doesn’t work.
A.of    B.with    C.to    D.aboutB
句意:——你的自行车怎么了?——它坏了。What’s the matter with…?意思是“……怎么了?”根据答语可知,答案为B。
5.I must be________ soon,because I have a date(约会) in ten minutes.
A.in    B.off    C.about    D.overB
句意:我必须马上离开,因为我十分钟后有个约会。be in在某地;be off离开;be about即将;be over结束。结合句意可知,答案为B。
6.---When did you study in France? --- _______________.
A.Two years ago    B.For two years    C.In two years    D.After two yearsA
句意:——你什么时候在法国学习的?——两年前。根据本题的问句可知时态应用一般过去时,结合选项,Two years ago“两年前”,用于一般过去时;故答案选A。
点睛:此题考查一般过去时常用的时间短语。A. Two years ago“两年前”,用于一般过去时;
B. For two years“两年了”,表示一段时间,一般用于完成时;C. In two years“两年后”,用于将来时;D. After two years“两年后”,用于将来时。根据句意,结合选项,可知A选项符合题意。
7.Don’t always think________ yourself, young man.
A.about    B.of    C.out    D.overA
句意:不要总是考虑你自己,年轻人。A. think about考虑,思考;B. think of想起,考虑;C. think out想出,仔细考虑;D. think over仔细考虑,重新考虑。根据句意可排除C、D选项;A、B项都可以表示“考虑”,think about oneself考虑自己;故答案选A。
点睛:think of一般是指无意识地想起、考虑,而think about则是指主动去考虑、去思考,根据本句的语境可知A选项符合题意。
8.—_______ do you know about Sunshine Town at different times?    —_______.
A.How; Very well    B.How much; A lot
C.How; Lots of    D.How much; Very muchB
句意:——在不同的时间,你对阳光小镇了解多少?——许多。此题考查交际用语。当表示对程度的多少提问时用how much,所以此题排除A和C;对how much的回答可以用“a lot”表示多,也可以用“a little”表示少,不能用Very much;故答案选B。
9.If you have a toothache, you should see a______.
A.policeman    B.teacher    C.nurse    D.dentistD
句意:如果你牙疼,你应该去看牙医。A. policeman警察;B. teacher教师;C. nurse护士;D. dentist牙科医生。牙疼需要看牙医,故答案为D。
10.You should ______ more water when you have a fever.
A.drinks    B.drinking    C.drink    D.hasC
11.is difficult for me to learn math well.
A.That    B.This    C.It    D.ItsC
句意:对我来说学好数学很难。A. That那个;B. This这个;C. It它;D. Its它的。It’s + adj. for sb. to do sth.做某人对某人来说怎么样,it为非人称代词,用作形式主语,故答案为C。
It’s a pity to refuse. 拒绝是令人遗憾的。
It’s no use saying any more about it. 再谈这事没有用。
It’s not known where she went. 她到哪里去了没人知道。
how are you是什么意思当不定式、动名词、从句等用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,就应在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。如:
I find it easy to get on with her. 我发现她很容易相处。
I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你最好住这儿。
They haven’t made it known where they are to hold the conference. 他们还没宣布会议在哪里开。
12.He can’t see clearly(清楚) .Something is wrong with his        .
A.legs    B.eyes    C.ears    D.stomachB
句意:他看不清楚,他的眼睛出了毛病。A. legs腿;B. eyes 眼睛;C. ears耳朵;D. stomach胃。看不清楚是眼睛出了毛病,故答案为B。
13.—I have a ______.
—You should take your temperature.
A.fever    B.headache    C.sore throat    D.sore backA
句意:——我发烧了。——你应该量量体温。have a fever发烧,have a headache头疼,have a sore throat嗓子疼,have a sore back背疼。根据You should take your temperature.可知你应该量体温,应是发烧了,故选A。
14.I didn't go to the party not________the weather, but________I didn't feel well.
A.because of;because    B.because;because of    C.because of;because ofA
because因为,后接从句表原因;because of,of是介词,后接名词或动名词表原因。根据句意结构,可知选A。
15.When Li Ming didn’t pass the exam, his teacher told him not to ______ hope.
A.fix up    B.give up    C.stand up    D.build upB
句意:当李明考试不及格时,他的老师告诉他不要放弃希望。fix up修理,give up放弃,stand up站起来,build up增进。根据When Li Ming didn’t pass the exam,可知此处表示李明考试不及格,因此要告诉他不要放弃希望,故选B。
16.The book ___________ Between a Rock and a Hard Place is very useful to the mountain climbers.
