新目标八年级Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?
babysit              v. 临时受雇照顾(婴儿)         
at home                在家
Tibet                西藏
Hawaii                夏威夷(美国州名)
sightseeing            n. 观光;游览
fishing              n. 捕鱼;钓鱼
rent                v. 租用;出租
plan               n. & v. 计划;设计;筹划
Greece                希腊
finally              adv. 最后地;最终
decide               v. 决定;下决心;解决
lake                n. 湖;湖泊
region              n. 地方;区域
countryside            n. 乡下;农村;乡村
forget          v. (forgot, forgot forgotten) 忘记;忘却
return              v. 后来;归去;归还
Paris                 巴黎(法国首都)
tourist              n. 旅行者;游客
go sightseeing            去观光旅行
take walks              去散步
go fishing              去钓鱼
take a vacation           去度假
think about              考虑;思考
decide on               决定
the Great Lakes       五大湖(加拿大与美国之间的五个大湖)
a no-stress vacation         一个没有压力的假期
Hong Kong                香港
how long               多久
get back               回来
San Francisco      旧金山(美国加利福尼亚州西部港市)
sports camp              运动野营
go bike riding            骑自行车旅行
go camping              去野营
go hiking               去远足
the Great Wall            长城
have a good time           玩得很高兴,过得很愉快
1. What are you doing for vacation?  你假期准备干什么?
I'm visiting my grandmother.       我准备去看我的奶奶。
When are you going?            你想什么时候去?
What's she doing for vacation?      她假期准备干什么?
She is going camping.           她打算去野营。
What are they doing for vacation?    他们假期准备干什么?
They are relaxing at home.        他们打算在家里放松一下。
2. 还有一些动词的现在进行时形式表示将要发生的动作:
leave, come, stay,hike等。
1) My father is leaving for Shanghai next week.
2) A: Mary! Supper is ready.  玛丽!晚饭好了。
B: I'm coming, mum.    妈妈,我马上就来。
3) A: What are you doing for vacation?    你假期准备干什么?
B: I'm going hiking in the mountains.    我准备去山里远足。
4) I'm staying home to do my homework next Sunday.
1. go fishing   去钓鱼
go shopping    去购物
go swimming    去游泳
go bike riding   骑自行车
go sightseeing   去观光
go skating    去滑冰
go camping     去野营
2. That sounds nice.  听起来不错。
1)sound 是动词,意思是: 听起来, 发出声音:how are you是什么意思
That sounds interesting.          听起来不很有意思。
That sounds great.             听起来太好了。
Your idea sounds a good one.        你的想法听起来很好。
Your proposal sounds quite feasible.    你的提议听起来很可行。
When the bell sounds, you must come in.  铃响时,你必须进来。
2)sound 还可以作名词, 表示 “声音,响声” 例如:
The light travels faster than sound.  光比声音快。
the sound of birds singing        鸟儿歌唱的声音
3. I just finished filming my last movie. 我刚刚拍摄完我的最后一个电影。
film  v. 拍电影
finish doing something  做完某事
When we finished cleaning our classroom, we went home.
Don't take the book away. I haven't finished reading it.
1. A: How's the w__ __ther there?
B: It's sunny.
2. A: How l__ __ __ are you staying there?
B: I am staying there for three weeks.
展开全文阅读  3. A: W__ __ __ __ are you going for vacation?
B: Italy.
4. My mother often t__ __ __ __ walks after supper.
5. My father often goes f__ __ __ing by the river on Sundays.
二. 连词成句
1.what, doing, Mary, is, vacation, for?
2.they, visiting, are, friends, their , next, week.
3.can, I , some, you , questions, ask, your , about, vacation plans?
4.we, going, to, are, Great Wall, the, morning, tomorrow
5.how long, you, are, staying , there?
leave  rain  with      weather  have
cool    we  sightseeing  do     visit
A: Hey, Lily. What are you doing for vacation?
B: I’m _1___________ my uncle in London.
A: When are you __2___________ for London?
B: I’m leaving the first week in October.
A: Who are you going _3_______?
B: I’m going there with my parents?
A: What are you _4________ there?
B: _5________ are going _6_____________,visiting museums and going to the beach.
A: And what’s the _7___________ like there?
B: Oh, it’s very beautiful this time of the year. It’s sunny and _8___________. But sometimes it __9___________.
A: I hope you’ll ___10 ___________ a good time.
