新闻发布会: press conference 汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake
大地震:the massive earthquake
8.0级地震:the 8.0-magnitude earthquake
地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area
重灾区:the worst-hit area
地震灾民:quake victim
人民解放军:People's Liberation Army soldier
武警:armed polce
医务工作者:medical worker
救援队:rescue team
伤者:the injured
失踪者:the missing
只要有一线希望,我们就要尽百倍努力:If only there is the slighted hope,we will spare no effort.只要有一个幸存者,我们就绝不会放弃:If only there is survivor in the
debris, we wil never give up.黄金72小时:golden 72 hours
温总理:Premier Wen
联合国秘书长:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
红十字会:the Red Cross
医疗队:medical team
资金和物资:funds and material
可移动医院:mobile hospital
死亡人数:death toll
与时间赛跑:race against time
民政部:the Ministry of Civil Affairs
国务院信息办:the Information Office of the State Counsil
中央台记者:CCTV correspondent
沙特阿拉伯:Saudi Arabia
中国大使馆:Chinese Embassy
降半旗:Flags are to be kept at half-mast.默哀:mourn
人道主义援助:humanitarian aid
救济工作:relief work
:consultation hotline
堰塞湖:barrier lake/quake lake
震后重建:post-quake reconstruction
尽快进行重建工作:carry out reconstruction as soon as possible
帐篷小学:camp primary school
复课:resume classes
建立DNA数据库:build DNA database
阻止疫情:prevent epidemic
文化遗产:culture heritage
大熊猫:giant panda
抢救生命是重中之重:Saving is the top priority.任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民:I firmly believe that no difficulties will daunt our Chinese People.全世界都站在你们的身后并会帮助你们:The whole world is standing
behind you and will help you.不是哭的时候:There was no time for tears.时间就是生命:Every minute costs a life.
Health and Diseases 卫生机构
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 卫生部 Ministry of health 综合医院 general hospital 专科医院 specialized hospital 儿童医院 children’s hospital 产科医院 maternity hospital 整形外科医院 plastic surgery hospital 精神医院mental hospital 肿瘤医院 tumor hospital 诊所 clinic
内科(internal)medical department 外科 surgical department 妇产科 department of gynecology and obstetrics 小儿科 pediatrics department 急诊室 emergency room 挂号处 registration office 住院处admissions office 门诊部 out-patient department/ OPD 住院部in-patient department 护理部 nursing department 手术室 operation room 病房ward 药房 pharmacy
院长 director of the hospital 内科医生 physician 内科主任 head of physician 外科医生 surgeon 外科主任 head of surgeon 住院医生 resident doctor 主治医生 attending doctor 产
科医生 obstetrician 小儿科医生 pediatrician 护士长 head nurse 实习医生 intern 救死扶伤 save the dying people and rescue the wounded
先天性疾病 congenital disease 急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 流行病 epidemic disease 职业病 occupational disease 传染病 contagious disease 过敏 allergy
小儿麻痹症 polio 阑尾炎 appendicitis cholera 癌症 cancer 糖尿病 diabetes
高血压 high-blood pressure 肥胖症 obesity
为什么会地震支气管炎 bronchitis 哮喘 asthma 关节炎 arthritis
非典型性肺炎 SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome 流感 influenza
甲型流感 A Influenza 禽流感 bird flu
疯牛病 mad-cow disease
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
手足口病 had-foot-and-mouth disease 尘肺病 black lung disease 狂犬病 rabies 水痘 chickenpox 天花 smallpox 疟疾 malaria
艾滋病 AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
西医 western medicine 量体温 take temperature 量血压 take blood pressure 验血 test blood 血型 blood type 胸透 chest X-ray
全身检查 general check-up 药房 prescription
开药 give sb.a prescription 口服 oral administration
外用 external use 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)/ alternative 计划生育 family planning
提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy medicine 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion 草药 herbal medicine 拔火罐 cupping 推拿 massage 气功疗法 traditional Chinese breathing exercises 中西医结合 a combination of Chinese and western medicine 保健
保健食品 health food/health-care food 药酒 medical wine/liquor 人参 ginseng 蜂王浆 royal jelly 疫苗 vaccine 鲜血 donate blood 个人卫生 personal hygiene 免疫力 immunity 治愈率 cure rate 发病率 incidence of a disease 预防为主 put prevention first
Population and family planning 常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population
盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force 外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker 人口普查 census
人口基数 population base 人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated 人炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate
自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population 合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom 生育高峰 baby boom period
