备考新高考英语——24节气之7:立夏—【China Daily 外刊双语精读24节气...
24 Solar Terms: 6 things you may not know about the Start of Summer
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Summer (Chinese: 立夏), the 7th term of the year, begins on May 5 and ends on May 21 this year.
Start of Summer signals the transition of seasons. On this day, the sun's rays reach an angle of 45 degrees to the earth. The temperature will rise quickly during this period, yet in northern China weather remains mild, not tropical.
Here are five things to learn about the Start of Summer.
Greeting Start of Summer迎接立夏
The term Start of Summer was originated at the end of the Warring States Period (239BC). Since it is a crucial time for the harvest of summer crops such as wheat and canola, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties attached great importance to the Start of Summer.
In the Zhou Dynasty (1050-221 BC), the emperor led his officials to stage a welcome rite for the Start of Summer and encouraged his residents to seize the key time to do farm work. It's said that most of the decorations were arranged in the color red, including the emperor and the officials' dress, the jade pendants, the horses and the flags, in order to show respect to the god of summer and pray for a good harvest.
Checking one's weight 称体重
The custom of weighing people at the Start of Summer originated from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180) and prevails in South China today. It was believed that this practice would bring health and good luck to the people weighted.
After lunch on the day of Start of Summer, people would suspend a stool or basket from a beam. The young and old took turns to get weighed while the person calculating the weight would offer good wishes and auspicious words. It is said those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer and those who weren't would suffer illness.
Eating eggs
In ancient China, people believed a round egg symbolized a happy life and eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer was a prayer for good health. They put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs and the original "tea egg" was created. Later people improved cooking methods and added spices to the eggs to make them taste delicious. Today tea egg has become a traditional snack in China.
Egg Competitions 鸡蛋比赛
As an old Chinese saying goes "hanging an egg on children's chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases", parents will prepare boiled eggs and put them in a knitted bag before hanging them on their child's chest.
When at school, children gather together to play egg competitions by colliding each other's eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not broken wins.
Take care of the heart爱护心脏
According to Chinese traditional medicine, Start of Summer is a key time to moisten the heart. When the weather grows hotter,  dampness and heat can affect human health. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature is highly recommended. Vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato, watercress and celery and fruits that include watermelon, pear and strawberry are top recommendations.
transition /trænˈzɪʃn/ n. 过渡;转变;变革;变迁
reach an angle of 45 degrees:达到45度角。
tropical/ˈtrɒpɪk(ə)l/ adj.热带的;来自热带的;产于热带的
a crucial time:关键时间
canola/kəˈnəʊlə/n. 油菜
attach great importance to:非常重视
stage a welcome rite:举行欢迎仪式
seize the key time:抓住关键时间
It's said that most of the decorations were arranged in the color red:that引导的主语从句,it做形式主语。
jade/dʒeɪd/ n.玉,翡翠;玉制品
pendant/ˈpendənt/n. 垂饰,坠饰;吊灯
jade pendant:玉坠
show respect to:表示对...的尊敬
checking one's weight:核实一个人的体重
It was believed that this practice would bring health and good luck to the people weighted:that引导的主语从句,it做形式主语。
the people weighted:过去分词weighed做后置定语,修饰people,表示被称体重的人。
suspend/səˈspend/v. 悬;挂;吊
stool /stuːl/ n. 凳子
beam /biːm/n. (建筑物的)梁,(体操运动的)平衡木
while the person calculating the weight would offer good wishes and auspicious words:while引导的时间状语从句。
the person calculating the weight :现在分词calculating做后置定语,修饰person,表示主动给别人量体重的人。
who were weighed ...and ...
who weren't:由and连接的两个并列的定语从句,分别修饰两个those,形成对比。
leftover /ˈleftəʊvə(r)/ n. 吃剩的食物;残羹剩饭
original/əˈrɪdʒən(ə)l/adj. 原来的;起初的;最早的
cooking methods:烹饪方法,现在分词cooking做定语,修饰methods。
spice/spaɪs/n. (调味)香料
knit /nɪt/ v. 编织;针织;机织 n.编织的衣服;针织衫
collide/kəˈlaɪd/v. 碰撞;相撞
whose egg is not broken:定语从句,修饰the one。
affect human health:影响人体健康。
Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature:由and连接的两个形容词短语做后置定语,修饰food。
cucumber/ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ n. 黄瓜
watercress/ˈwɔːtəkres/n. [园艺] 豆瓣菜;西洋菜
celery/ˈseləri/n. 芹菜
top recommendations:热门推荐,最佳推荐。
1. Which of the following is true about Start of Summer?
A. Temperature will rise quickly on this day.
B. Farmers harvest most of the crops on this day.
C. Officials dressed in red pray for a good harvest.
D. Everyone should get weighed.
2. People check their weight at the Start of Summer to _________.
A.control their weight
B.lose weight
C.offer good wishes and auspicious words
D. keep away from illness
3. We can learn from the passage that _____________.
A. tea egg is not common food in ancient China
B. dampness and heat are likely to harm human health
C. children with broken eggs are more lucky.
D. people should eat more food cool in nature
4. Whats the meaning of the word colliding?
A.碰        B.抢      C.吃        D.煮
At the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, a countdown featuring 24 solar terms 1.______ the attention of the global audience and gave a glimpse of the ancient Chinese almanac science.
The establishment of 24 solar terms is believed to be an /a 2.______contribution to the world made by ancient Chinese almanac scientists. The system, used by Chinese people in both ancient and modern times to guide farming activities, was 3.______ as an intangible cultural heritage item by UNESCO in 2016.
An archaeological excavation in 2003 pointed to the theory that the village of Taosi in the Shanxi county of Xiangfen might be the 4.______of the 24 solar terms and the Chinese astronomic and almanac sciences.
An archaeological discovery in the village of Taosi 5.______ that the system was in place some 4,000 years ago.
Excavation of the Taosi site started in the 1950s and the 6.______ has continued to this day.
One of the most important 7.______were 13 columns of compressed earth found in 2003.
The 8.______of the columns was unknown to archaeologists at first. After years of watching the columns' projection under the sun, researchers realized this was an ancient observatory. The columns were used to measure sunbeam 9.______ and determine the 24 solar terms of a year, according to researchers 10.______with the site.
There were other breakthroughs in the study of the remains, which made researchers think that the site might be the capital of the 11.______ governed by the legendary emperors of Yao and Shun more than 3,000 years ago.
One milestone discovery were pottery relics with pictographs 12.______ the character of Yao. Archaeologists believe this was an ancient 13.______ system more than 500 years older than the Shang Dynasty (c.16th century-11th century BC) oracles written on bones and turtle shells, which were discovered in Anyang city, Henan province.
There was also a set of 14.______ instruments discovered at the site. Among these, a bronze bell was identified as being made 4,000 years ago. It is said to be the earliest musical instrument found in China.
Excavation of the site is still underway. Gao Jiangtao, head of the archaeological team, said excavations to date had 15. ______ less than 1 percent of the site.
In October 2021, the Taosi site was included on the list of "China's major archaeological discoveries in a century".
1. A. paid          B. drew        C. turned    D. took
2. A.ambitious    B.emergency    C.effective    D. outstanding
3.A. recognized      B.organized      C. ordered    D. faced
4.A.resource      B. store        C. source   D. originate
5.A. proved      B. proof        C.process      D. proverb
6.A.progress      B.process      C. proper      D. promise
7.A.discover      B. cover        C.discoveries    D. invention
8.A.secret      B.appearance    C. experience    D. function
9.A.angles        B. angels        C. ankle      D. ache
10.A. sitting      B.working     C.seeing    D.watching
11.A. national    B.natural        C. nation   D.nature
12.A. include    B.included    C. includes    D.including
13.A. writing          B. reading        C. singing  D. seeing
14.A. medical      B.musical    C. amused    D. amusing
15.A. covering  B.cover    C. covered    D. covers
答案:BDACA        BCDAB      CDABC
prevail top recommendations  show respect to  crucial time  suspend
attach great importance to  stage a welcome rite  seize the key time  
1. The opportunity is there. Why not __________.
2. The local government is _________for the hero.
3. My parents always__________my getting a good education. 
4. Those beliefs ________ among certain social groups at that time.
5. A lamp was __________ from the ceiling.
6. I found the best  lawyer through ____________________.
7. Youth, some spend it, some treasure it, but I ___________ it.
8. The battle had reached a _______________
答案:1. seize the key time        2. staging a welcome rite
3. attach great importance to        4. prevailed    5. suspended
6.top recommendations      7.  show respect to    8. crucial time
1. moisten
2. collide
3. knit
4. original
5. leftover
A. food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal 
B. become or make sth slightly wet
C. existing at the beginning of a particular period
D. to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread
E. crash into each other
