In this paper,the i nno vat ive sp ir it of the N obel Pr ize w in n er has r ese ar ch an d tr ai ni ng o n the inn ova tiv e talents of o u r country at this stage the status quo analysis,depth discus sion of the Nobel Prize win ner、析m the in nov ati ve spi rit of o u r
innovative talent cultivation some d ef ici en ci es exist in th e mod e w hic h to draw meaning an d realization o f the way.F ir st,v is its th e a war d o f the N obe l Prize,that
the Nobel Pr iz e has a pivotal role in the h i st or y of human technol ogi cal de ve lo pm en t in a h un dr ed years,reveals the No bel P rize has ex c ee d e d its ra is on d’etre of th e aw ar d s themselves fbom climbing the scienc e of mankind The sym bol of the pinnacle.Secondly,I start the factors essential to the s pir it of in novati on,the history of d oz e ns of Nobel Prize winni ng rep re sen ta ti ve o f the winners,for ex amp le,
in-dept h st udy of a classic c蹴of thes e w i n ne r s to the wo r ld
Im pli cat ion s a nd
o n
this basis,the innovati ve spirit of th ese winners for further sIlmmarj趵d,pointing o u t that the inno vative s pi rit of th es e w i nn e r s is a wealth of human co-owned and ha s a
very Important r efe re nc e to the mea ning and in cent ive.Aga in,t he aut hor in l ine、Ⅳi m the sp ir it of seeking truth f ro m facts,data analysis,news reports and documentation
中国诺贝尔奖in accordance with,the眦of a va ri et y o f techniques t ar ge te d in ve st ig a ti on s and understanding of the i nno vat ive talents of the status
quo i n o u r country at this stage,
esp eci al ly in 0111"country n O W stag e c ul ti va t e inn ova tiv e talent process for independent innovation and ot her key f ac t or s re searc h ha s devoted a great deal o f en e r gy,in-de p t h reflection of Chi na's independent innovation capacity compared
、Ⅳith de ve l op e d countries there is the r oo t caUSe of the lag situation and m a de a unique perspective and recommendations.Finally,the auth or focuses o n the linka ges and the mle of the Nob el Pr iz e winner,innovative spirit and personnel trai ni ng.Re ve al e d the i nnovat ive sp iri t of the Nobel Pr ize winner has significance and t he s tron g support of innovative talent tra ining,in nova tive in ce nti ve s to start a
comparative approach,respectively,舶m the personnel sys tem,e duca tion environment,education system,college quality,students dev e l op a w ay to cultivate 诵tll the refe renc e v alu e,t he sp ir it of scientific re sea rch and ot he r aspects of OUr
inno vat ive personnel t ra in in g.
Key wo rds:T he No bel Prize,The s pir it of inn ovation,Inn ovative t ale nts,E nl i g h te n m en t