人物 : 唐僧  八戒  悟空  白骨精原型女 白骨精变形1  白骨精变形2  白骨精原型男    女儿国国王  hope you guys enjoy it!                        改编作者 杜宛芸 成医学子
唐: Wowboys! This place looks beautiful.  Where we are now Does any one of you know something about it
: 八戒, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问)
:八戒, Give the map to me!(严肃的问)
:哼 !(唐生气地叫)pig ,Give the map……..(转过身看到八戒在看书)
:(很吃惊) wow!八戒,very good ! I hardly see you study! . What kind of book are you reading Is it about Chinese or English
:(凑过去)let me have a look !
:(转身训斥八戒)how many times have I  told you You are not supposed to read books about beautiful girls! I will keep it for you until we finish the journey ..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里)
八戒:But…..,why boss, why can’t we think about girls I just dont understand
唐:(叹气)哎,how many times have I told you  ,This is because…oh 悟空 dance to my song !
八戒:ok boss, I will listen to you!(无辜地表情)
唐:悟空,I am  and get me some food…(四处看看).where is 沙僧,
悟空:he is feeding the horse . boss I‘ll find some food and be back soon,
唐:ok….(悟空走了唐看见八戒还在这正经地对八戒说) hey 八戒 I need to  take a good rest . get out of here !give me some private space!
(八戒走后唐僧就偷袭着自言自语到眉毛上抬 使坏样):嘿嘿 its time to call my little honey  king of the girl country
唐:hi..sweetie how are you doing(不解释.)
女:I am fine ,but I miss you very much ,after you left, I just  can not stop recalling the days when we were together. 哼! you seldom give me a call。
唐:oh darling.i am sorry. you know , these boys like to gossip about things like that. I can only call you when I am alone. But you know I love you from the bottom of my heart 。oh  damn it !…they are back!  Honey I will call you the next time ok !(挂断电话 一下装的很正经)
悟空: boss , who are you calling
唐:er (支支吾吾的)I was just having a chat with Budda. where is my food
悟空:here! Ive found some delicious bananas!
唐:banana,banana  banana  ! How many times do I have to tell you  I am a monk, instead of a monkey! I need rice rice(加重语气)!dont you understand Go and give some to your brothers ok
悟空:摸摸头 ok boss 低头很沮丧 拿着香蕉向八戒走去
白;Hahahaa…I know that any monster who eats  master tang will live forever. how lucky I am, now they are in my place.笑着想想 oh , i can pretend to be a poor old lady, so they will trust me. 嘿嘿 I am really clever ……动感音乐响 白骨精1上场 和白骨精原形以舞蹈形
白1:嘿嘿I look great!
1:hello, have not eaten any food for days.can you spare some  have mercy,  may god  bless you
唐:(瞄一眼,继续吃、看)what Don’t see I am starving too .get英语话剧剧本 out of here, if you don’t leave right now I will ask my money and pig to eat you 哼!
白1:看看悟空和八戒 oh please don’t do that  I am leaving 蹒跚地离开 躲在一个离唐不远的地方。
悟空:走过来拿着香蕉 boss ,do you need  some more bananas
唐:, 悟空 ,you want to see it, dont you ,If you want to see it,  you have to tell me that you want to see it, and I will give it to you ,let you see it but if you dont tell Me that you want to see it  , how can I know that you want to see it 。if you don’t want to see it ,you also have to tell me that you don’t want to see it 。then I wont let you see (悟空早已痛苦不堪,逃离此地)
唐:悟空!come back! 哎。。。(唐僧摇摇头,继续看书)
白1:(远处偷看到画册)oh. He is interested in girls  嘿嘿 !
变成了一个女的 音乐很慢幽 白1和白2 双人舞变换
2:(曼妙的走过来,碰一下唐僧,唐僧不转头边吃边看书:leave me alone. 白2再次碰一下,唐僧依然不转头:I said leave me alone这时,白2开口说话)
白2:hi. gentleman!
唐:(转头)wowhi  sexy lady!(扔掉画册,背景音乐响起,only you,神情对视,过会儿)come here ,do you want some foodtake some bananes。 i am tang seng, you can call me Tanny
白2:oh Tannyyou are so friendly ,thanks for your banana。。。I just got lost ,and don’t know where to go now!can you help me 
:yes of course, I will try my best to help you, you don’t worry!
八戒:朝唐僧看看:wow ,what a beautiful girl !手拍拍悟空 look look
悟空:看到后 oh my god !our boss is in danger now!
悟空:“monster,I will kill you!“吓到白2 躲到唐的后面
唐:what are you doing monkey, don’t be rude! this beautiful lady is my new friend!
悟空:boss, this is a monster, in order to get close to you。,she has changed herself into a charming girl ,she will eat you !
唐:bullshit! you must be fed up with this trip to the west..
唐:I think you, little monkey need to be punished
悟空:(赶忙说)oh ,no , boss, please
唐:(叹气)哎唱着 it is so late to apologise。。。。。! 说 Money , you deserve what you will suffer(摆姿势,要念咒语) ( 杰克逊的beat it ,,,,just beat it, beat it  ,will you listen to me will you listen to me will you listen to me )
