Napolan and his soldiers(拿破仑和他的士兵)
英语话剧剧本M: Attention.(立正)Turn right/left.Quick time, march!(齐步走)(吹哨)Halt!(立定)Turn right/left.At ease!(稍息).Dismiss!(解散)(在宿舍里)Ss: Cheer!(干杯)(班长带着一新士兵推门进来)
M: Hello!Everyone!This is Sam.He is Swede.Today he join us.Let's give him a warm welcome!Ss: Welcome!Welcome!(握手、拍肩 和他打招呼,但是他摇摇头)M: He doesn't know French at all.Ss: What a pity!有一天,一个士兵慌慌张张的跑了过来。A.Monitor!Monitor!M: What's the matter with you? A: I hear Napolan will be here in a month.M: What shall we do? B.I hear N often asks three quenstions.and often in an order.The first one is “How old are you?”.The second one is “How long have you been in th
e Amry?”.The third one is “Did you join any of my two compaigns?” M: All of us have no problem except Sam.He doesn't know French.What shall we do?
B.I have an idea.From now on all of us teach him the three questions at any time.Ss: Good!各种场合:
睡觉: A: Sam.How old are you? Sam:21.sir!A: How long have you been in the Army? Sam: 3 years sir!A: Did you join any of my two compaigns? Sam: Both.sir!吃饭:B:Sam.How old are you? Sam:21.sir!B: How long have you been in the Army? Sam: 3 years sir!B: Did you join any of my two compaigns? Sam: Both.sir!跑步:C:Sam.How old are you? Sam:21.sir!C: How long have you been in the Army? Sam: 3 years sir!C: Did you join any of my two compaigns? Sam: Both.sir!.....Ss: We believe that's no problem at all.A:(慌慌张张的)N is coming.N is coming.(众士兵立正)N: Hello!Everyone.How are you? Ss: Fine.Thank you!sir!Sam 在哆嗦,引起了拿破仑的注意。
N:(走到他的面前)Well.How long have you been in the Army? Sam: 21.sir.N:(非常吃惊的)How old are you? Sam:(非常自信的)3.sir.N:(生气的)Either you or I am mad!!Sam:(
洋洋得意的)Both.sir!!Ss: My god!!众士兵失望的下场了。
The hare and the tortoise One morning, a hare and a tortois meet in a forest,so they begin to talk.H: Good morning.Mr Tortoise.T: Oh, it's you.Mr Hare.Good morning!H: What are you doing? T: I'm running.H:Running? Ha ha ha!Can you run? Your legs are too short!T: Of course I can.H:My legs are long.I can run faster than you.T: Don't be so sure.H:Well then.Let's run to the tall tree over there.Let's see who can get there first.T: All right.Ready? Go!A.Mr Tortoise goes very slowly.But Mr Hare runs very fast.Soon he comes to a small tree.H: Where is Mr Tortoise? Aha!There he is!He is far behind me.How slow he is!Mmm.it's so hot!Here is a tree.I'll have a short sleep first.T: Oh, he is sleeping under the tree there.But I can't stop.I must go on.H: Ah!What a nice sleep!Let me go on.Oh, where 's Mr Tortoise? Where is he now? I must hurry.A: Soon he runs to the tall tree.Mr Tortoise is sitting under the tree
and waiting for him.T:Hi, Mr Hare!How are you? I'm here first.Who is faster, Mr Hare ,you or me? H: Oh!.....A: After a long time.Mr Hare and Mr Tortoise meet again.What will they d
o? Please look carefully.H: Hello!Mr Tortoise.Let's have a match again, OK? T: Oh.all right.H: Let's see who is faster this time.T: OK!One, two.Go!H: This time I can't sleep ,I must be the first.T: This time I must be the winner.Mr Hare isn't faster than me.No matter!A: This time Mr Hare runs very fast.But Mr Tortoise is very slow.H: Hooray!I am the winner!T: I can't believe that!(crying)A few months later.In the forest animals are all together.They are talking about the match of Mr Hare and Mr Tortoise.M:The first time ,Mr Tortoise is the winner.D: The second time , Mr Hare is the winner.M: But We don't know who is really the winner.So they must have another match.P: I agree with you.A: All the animals want them to have another match.So a new match begins between them.H: I try my best to be the winner.T: I must be careful.I can't be far behind him.M: Ready ? Go!!H: I am faster than him.(worried)How can I cross the river? Mr Tortoise is near me.How can I do? How can I do? T: What's the matter? Mr Hare? Oh!You can't cross the river.No matter , you can cross the river on my back.Come here!Let's go across the river together.H:(exciting)Thank you very much!Thank you!!T:(smiling)Not at all!We must help each other.A: They go across the river safely.They go on running.T: Oh!my leg.Something
is wrong with my leg.What can I do? H: Where is Mr Tortoise? There must be something wrong with him.Let me have a look.What's wrong with you? T: Something is wrong with my leg.I can't run any longer.H: Don't worry.You can get the forest on my back.T: No.You just go on running.Don't worry about me.H: Let's help each other.(They go on running together slowly)M: Look!everyone!How strange they are!A: When they know the matter.they all say:
The winners are Mr Tortoise and Mr Hare!They sing a happy song!So much for the play!
SNOW WHITE CONTENTS SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人 P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物 音乐起,旁白
A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much;the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess.Year passed, the king got married again, The people
didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场
S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场
Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful? M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场 H: Yes, my queen
