《花木 》 Mulan
前言:花木 代父从 的故事 中国人来 可 家  。 出生古老中国家庭的花木 ,  明伶俐, 志气高昂,得知年 的父 将被征召入伍以 抗日 入侵的匈奴 ,她不禁 父 的安危担 。 父  然曾是英勇 士, 却因腿疾而行 不便。但他 意赴前 作 ,于是花木 决定 走父 的盔甲,女扮男装,代父从 。
IntroductionThe story of Mulan who replaces her father to go to the battle field is popular in China. Mulan was born in an ancient Chinese family. She is smart and ambitious. When the news come that her aging father is to be recruited again to the army to fight against Huns, Mulan worries about her fathers safety. Though her father was once a brave fighter, he is now a disabled person. Mulans father is determined to go to the battle field. So Mulan decides to steal her fathers armour to go to the battle field in mans disguise.
第一幕: Act One
(音 ~~~Music
木 入 ,独舞一段 
(音 : 蹄声响起)
木 父母从另一 入 ,  旨人也入 , 随从入 ,木 在一旁听, 停止舞 。
旨人 Herald:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Hunsour emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need soldiers. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, everybody!
奉天承运,皇帝 曰,匈奴入侵,我 做出了个  的决定:打他个屁 尿流!
所以,我 需要士兵!没了,你 懂我的意思的。    ”(稍微娘娘腔)
木 父 Father:“We get it.”遵旨。
(木 父 旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝 与圣旨,  一声木 上前)
Mulan :“ Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good
though .爸, 我去代替你从 吧!
木 父 Father:“That's not of your business.关你的事。”木 Mulan :“ 但是⋯⋯”木 父 Father:“Go back!回去!”
木 落寞地离去,木 父放下宝 与圣旨,也退
木 重新上 ,走到桌子前,拿起宝 ,拔 出 ,又放下,把  (散)束起,再次拿起宝 与圣旨
(旁白解 Aside)(Mulan decides to replace her father to go to the battle field. Mulan :“ I will be back! ”(深情地)(音效)

第二幕: Act Two

将 与  入 ,  手拿名 和毛笔勾名,一( 5 个)前来 到的兵一个跟一个入 ,列
General:“Whats your name?”你叫什么?
Tom:“ Tom” 姆
General:“How about you?”你呢?
General:“Tom and Jerry? Both of the brothers join the armyand you?”
姆和杰里?哥 一 参 ?    喂, 你呢?
MR. Bean:“ MR.Bean”我叫憨豆。
General;“er⋯⋯ you?”那你呢?
Banana:“ Banana ”我叫香蕉。
将 :“What?“ ?
Banana:“ Banana· Apple. ”姓苹果名香蕉。
General:“I prefer watermelon. Short guy what about you?”你不如叫西瓜
更好 。后面那个呢?
Mulan :“ MulanGeneral”将 ,我叫木 。
General“: Finally a normal name But ,you look like a women!? 算有个正常
Mulan :“I am a man!!!Watch out my muscles!”我可是  子! 看我肌肉! (
一清嗓音 ,做几个 似的 作 )
General:“Just kidding, guy!”伙  ,开个玩笑!
将    (舞棍、 左 右)
将 上前,拿出竹竿, 起来“    Follow me! ”跟我一起 吧!
将 将竹竿向前 ,全 照做,木 把前面的士兵 倒
General:“What are you doing! Watch out!”你干嘛呀?好好看着!(将 将
棍向右横 ,木 照做,全排士兵倒下。    )
将 上前 :“Attention Turn right 。注意,向右 ! (全 向右,木 向左 ),你搞什么 机啊!(叫木 来到第一 )
Turn left!(全 向左,木 向右,木 手中竹竿打中右 的士兵)将 General:“My god! Youd better go back home!”天哪!你 么笨 是回家去
(放烟 ~~~英语话剧剧本
木    人
Mulan :“General, that way seems likeenemy!!! ”(用手指着) 将 ,那 ,那 是 人来了吧?
General:“Ah?! God bless us! All the soldiers , array! 啊, 天哪! 士兵 ,赶 集合!(音效)
老兵列 上
General:“Huns are coming. Its a good opportunity for your careers and futures! Get well- prepared, guys! 匈奴将至,是各位升官  的好机会啊,
士兵 ,准 吧!!!!!!”
全体退 ,熄灯
