1.The house was burgled while the family was _______ in a card game.
A. buried          B. busy          C. absorbed        D. helping
2.I am sorry that I can’t _______ your invitation.
A. take          B. except        C. agree        D. accept
3.______ what he says, he wasn’t even there when the crime was committed.
A. Following      B. According to    C. Hearing      D. meaning
4.he has impressed his employers considerably and ______ he is soon to be promoted. present的同义词
A. nevertheless    B. accordingly    C. yet          D. eventually
5.He gave his listeners a vivid ______ of his journey through Peru.
A. account      B. tale            C. communication      D. plot
6.Will you be taking my precious experience into _______ when you fix my salary?
A. possession    B. account        C. mind          D. scale
7.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _______ him of speeding.
A. charged      B. accused        C. blamed        D. arrested
8.His stomach began to _______ because of the bad food he had eaten.
A. pain          B. harm          C. be hurt        D. ache
9.If you _____ money to mine, we shall have enough.
A. add          B. combine        C. unite          D. bank
10.he was full of _______ for her bravery.
A. energy        B. admiration      C. surprise        D. pride
11.This ticket _____ one person to the show.
A. permits      B. enters          C. delivers          D. admits
12.The cow had lost its own calf. but the farmer persuaded it to _______ one whose mother had died.
A. choose      B. adopt            C. undertake        D. collect
13.If we _______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.
A. elect          B. command          C. vote          D. adopt
14.Science has made great _____ during the past 30 years.
A. motions      B. advances      C. advantages      D. opportunities
15.He was a much older tennis player but he had the great ______ of experience.
A. advantage    B. deal          C. value          D. profit
16.I had quite ______ on my way to work this morning.
A. an experiment  B. an adventure  C. a happening    D. an affair
17.He always studies the ______ in the paper as he wants to find a good second-hand car.
A.advertisements  B. publicity  C. announcements  D. publication
18.On my present salary, I just can’t ________ a car which costs over $3.000.
A. pretend        B. elect      C. afford        D. adopt
19.The girl’s father _____ to buy her a car if she passed her examination.
A. admitted      B. accepted  C. agreed        D. approved
20.They are twins and look very _______.
A. alike          B. same      C. likely          D. identical
21.As a result of their ______ the three small independent countries felt less afraid of thei
r powerful neighbour.
A. combination    B. alliance    C. partnership      D. union
22.When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly ______ towards his expenses.
A. salary        B. permission  C. allowance      D. wage
23.Is anyone _______ to fish in this river?
A. borne        B. allowed    C. admitted        D. passed
24.His _______ had always been to become an architect.
A. study        B. ambition    C. imagination      D. direction
25.The ______ of ice-cream sold increases sharply in the summer months.
A. account      B. amount    C. number          D. size
26.If you are bitten by a poisonous snake. it is necessary to be given an ______ as quickly as possible.
A. analgesic      B. antibiotic  C. antiseptic        D. antidote
27.I’ m ________ to get the tickets for the show today, as there are hardly any left.
A. worried      B. curious      C. anxious      D. troubled
28.The child was told to ______ for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse      B. apologize    C. punish      D. confess
29.He is ______ a very old man but in fact he is only fifty.
A. apparently    B. evidently    C. obviously    D. actually
30.As a result of the radio _____ for help for the earthquake victims, over a million pounds has been raised.
A. appeal      B. call        C. programme    D. advertisement
31.Let me know if any difficulties _______.
A. arise        B. come        C. rise          D. happen
32.Could you please _______ an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith?
A. manage    B. arrange      C. take          D. have
