摘  要
本文是对国产电视动画剧《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的个案研究,通过对该剧的背景、剧情、人物的详细解读,分析其成功的原因和缺点所在。本文一共分六部分,第一部分是对《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的背景介绍;第二部分分析了它的两个剧情特“顺应自然规律”和“团结就是力量”;第三部分归纳了该剧的成功之道有角形象符合人们的审美观念、内容寓教于乐、符合人们的游戏心理;第五部分客观的批评了该剧的内部劣势为内容过于简单、缺少拉动力从而造成经典性仍显欠缺的问题;在最后的第六部分总结了该局给国产动画带来的启示,如拓宽受众定位、注意寓教于乐的方法和尺度、 开拓创作思路,并且要注意借鉴国外成熟的运作机制,从而促使国产动画持续健康发展。
This article is a case study of domestic television animation drama "Pleasant and Grey Wolf", by the play's background, detailed interpretation of the plot, characters, and to analyze the reasons for the success and shortcomings where This article is divided into six parts, the first part is the background of the "Pleasant and Gray Wolf" introduced; The second part analyzes two story features conform to the laws of nature "and" The unity is strength "; the third part of induction resulting in the play's success has the image of the aesthetic ideas of the people, content, edutainment, in line with people's mental game; part V of objective criticism within the play disadvantage too simple, the lack of pulling power classical remained the problem of lack; sixth part summarizes the revelation brought by the council to domestic animation, such as broadening the audience targeting, pay attention to the methods and scale of the entertaining, develop creative ideas, and to pay attention to learn from foreign mature operation mechanism, thus contributing to the domestic animation sustained and healthy development.
Keywords: Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf; story; the role of the image;domestic animation
目  录
