linux EXT3-fs文件系统错误的修复方法
linux EXT3-fs文件系统错误的修复方
工程服务部 胡志强
最近处理的一件linux服务器断电导致文件系统启动后文件系统不可读写,数据不可用的案例,现总结下Linux 文件系统错误的修复方法。
EXT3-fs error (device hda3) in start_transaction: Journal has aborted
安装程序无法创建新的系统分区If your system abruptly loses power, or if a RAID card is beginning to fail, you might see an ominous message like this within your logs:
EXT3-fs error (device hda3) in start_transaction: Journal has aborted
Basically, the system is telling you that it’s detected a filesystem/journal mismatch, and it can’t utilize the journal any longer. When this situation pops up, the filesystem gets mounted read-only almost immediate
ly. To fix the situation, you can remount the partition as ext2 (if it isn’t your active root partition), or you can commence the repair operations.
If you’re working with an active root partition, you will need to boot into some rescue media and perform these operations there. If this error occurs with an additional partition besides the root partition, simply unmount the broken filesystem and proceed with these operations.
Remove the journal from the filesystem (effectively turning it into ext2):
# tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/hda3
Now, you will need to fsck it to correct any possible problems (throw in a -y flag to say yes to all repairs, -C for a progress bar):
# e2fsck /dev/hda3
Once that's finished, make a new journal which effectively makes the partition an ext3 filesystem again
# tune2fs -j /dev/hda3
You should be able to mount the partition as an ext3 partition at this time:
# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /mnt/fixed
Be sure to check your dmesg output for any additional errors after you’re finished!
硬盘故障导致的数据丢失有可能是惨重的,但如果已经发生了,就需要最大程度地将数据恢复出来。这介绍当磁盘因严重问题无法访问后(但BIOS还能识别),数据的抢救方法,并讨论ext2&ext3格式分区的磁盘短读(short read)错误。首先约定:需要手动输入的字符用黑体字给出,其余的为终端输出。
e2fsck /dev/hda1
e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read
如果看到这个消息,首先想到可能是磁盘的主超级块损坏。而在创建文件系统的时候,mke2fs已经自动创建了磁盘的超级块的备份。可以告诉e2fsck程序使用一个备用超级块检查文件系统。备用超级块一般创建于块8193、16384或32768,取决于磁盘的大小(可以使用3 -n /dev/hda1查看)。假设是块大硬盘,则使用:
e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/hda1
e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while checking ext3 journal for /dev/hda1
tune2fs -f -O ^has_journal /dev/hda1
这样就删除了/dev/hda1文件系统上的日志,这时可以重新尝试挂载分区,必要的话可以重建日志系统(使用tune2fs -j /dev/xxx)。
tune2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while reading journal inode
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb conv=noerror,sync
但是dd有几个缺点:首先是速度太慢;然后是不显示进度信息,直到完成前它都是沉默的;不重新尝试失败的读取,这会减少能从坏盘恢复的数据量。因此在这里介绍另一个软件——ddrescue,可以从 /software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html 获取最新版(Fedora8用户可以直接用yum install dd_rescue安装)。目前ddrescue最新版本是1.7,直接下载链接: /gnu/ddrescue/ddrescue-1.7.tar.bz2  编译、安装后,可以使用下面命令完成相同的任务:
ddrescue --max-retries=-1 /dev/hda /dev/hdb
e2fsck -y /dev/hdb
