新视野大学英语三课后答案及课文翻译Unit 6
Unit 6 Section A
Pre-reading activities 一
1 Many poor men thought that fighting in the army was an opportunity for adventure and excitement. This seemed much better than the hard work of everyday life. But they soon found out that war was both boring and terrifying.
2 Both sides o fate war eventually instituted a draft. This was when men were randomly chosen to enter the army whether they wanted to or not. 世界上最贵的车是哪辆
3 Some women served as nurse in the army, helping wounded soldiers recover. Women had to work very hard to provide for their families.
4 When General Sherman took the Union Army from Atlanta to Savannah he burned and destroyed much of the land and farms along the way. It was a scary time. Language focus Word in use 三
1evacuated 2stray 3diluted 4gigantic 5standpoint 6nutrition 7inflicted 8pervasive 9naive 10permeated Word building 四
Words learned New words formed -ary
Moment Momentary Supplement Supplementary Custom Customary Vision Visionary Mission Missionary Discipline Disciplinary -ity
Complex Complexity Fatal Fatality Available Availability Feasible Feasibility Authentic Authenticity Desirable Desirability 五
1visionary 2fatality 3availability 4customary 5feasible 6momentary 7disciplinary 8supplementary 9missionary 10authenticity 11complexity 12desirability Banked cloze 六
1H 2N 3O 4F 5C 6K 7M 8B 9E 10J Expression in use 七
1flew at 2wove her way through 3radiated from 4conceive of 5was lined with
6dive into 7next to nothing 8stayed down Translation 《荷马史诗》据传是由古希腊盲诗人
The Art of War was written by Sun Wu, a famous ancient Chinese strategist. A classic work not onlyof military value but also of great philosophicalsignificance. The Art of War is a precious heritageof brilliant ancient Chinese culture. Sun Wudisclosed in his book a series of military rules andprinciples, and put forward a complete systemof military theory. His theory has been highly regarded by strategists since the Warring StatesPeriod and exerted strong impacts on their thoughtand practice. Moreover, it has yielded a worldwideinfluence in the field of military thought, enjoyingextremely high prestige.
Section B
Reading skills 一 1
Who: Luis Dutarte Where: at his home
When: ever since the arrival of the American military What: being curious about the military camp
Main idea: Ever since the arrival of the American military, Luis was quite curious about the military camp established below his home. 2
Who: Ronald Smith Where: in France
When: after the war ended
What: trying hard to find Luis but always failed
Main idea: After the war ended, Ronald Smith tried hard in his search for Luis in France, but he always failed to find him. Reading comprehension Understanding the text 二
1B 2D 3D 4C 5A 6C 7B 8D Language focus Words in use
1supervise 2petitioned 3clutching 4vicinity 5fragrance 6dispatched 7dwelling 8haunted 9timid 10encloses Expression in use 五
1to/into 2in 3together 4apart 5with 6off 7with 8off Sentence structure 六
1 Henry refuse to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worth next to nothing to him.
2 Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him get rid of the bad habit will be worth next to nothing.
3 Your recommendations is worth next to nothing to those who do not want to listen. 七
1 There are too many things in your paper bag and it looks like it is going to burst. 2 Although we are supposed to finish this month, it looks like the work would stretch well into
next year.
3 Gatherings of the armed forces near the border looked like they planned to invade within the following few days. Collocation Warm-up
1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6B 八
1emotional intensity 2brilliant sky 3walked briskly 4helplessly wandering 5trembling voice 6tremendous roar 7deserted road 8violently dipping 9inevitable death 10profound fatigue 11pervasive 12dangerous evil
课文翻译 Text A
1如今,当我回首往事,我很惊讶我居然能如此生动地回忆起轰炸开始的情况,那天的彩和紧张的情绪仍然清晰地印在我的脑海中。那天,我突然发现在晴朗 的天空中出现了12个银的小点儿,离我很远,发出不正常的嗡嗡声,这种声音我以前从来没听过。那年我七岁,就这样站在一片草地上,盯着天空中几乎不怎么移动的小点儿。