I. Translate the following phrases:
bec考试流程1. in response to
2. more often than not
3. few and far between
4. at maturity
5. on the part of
6. abide by
7. all at 8. owing to
II. Make corrections of the following inappropriate words and expressions:
1. We have to ask for an extension of 15days for shipment, which, we trust, you will have no objection.
2. The L/C must show the clause“partial shipments allow. ”
3. We have received all the credits, a number of which is found short- established.
4. We shall much appreciate your immediate L/C.
5. Please pay attention that the L/C is short-established by US$ 1,000.
6. We shall open the L/C from the Bank of China, London.
7. Please amend the quantity of the credit to 500 MT.
8. It is imperative to you to amend the L/C as per our cable of the 5 th .
9. The expenses of amendment to the L/C are to be born by you.
10. As there is no direct steamer sailing to your port, we must call for you to amend the L/C as allowing transshipment.
III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:
1. We are thinking ______ placing ______you a trial order for 500kgs ______iron nails ______shipment
2. We have only 300kgs ______iron nails in stock; therefore we request you to extend the shipment date your L/C ______the ______November.
3. Please try your best to push the sales ______machine tools ______your end.
4. Owing ______ heavycommitments, we can not consider any fresh business ______this line.
5. We shall certainly contact you, as soon as we are ______ a position to entertain new business ______ your district.
6. After examination, we find the goods ______high standard and are satisfied ______ the quality ______ the shipment.
7. We are well experienced ______ this line and can handle big orders ______ large quantities.
8. Our offer is firm ______ 5 days and we expect to hear ______ you ______noon-time Saturday.
9. We call your attention ______the validity _______ the L/C, since there is no possibility ______ L/C extension.
10. Since we have only 5 metric tons ______ green tea ______ stock, we can only make you
this offer subject______ prior sale.
IV. Translate the following into English:
6、信⽤证 2356号请修改:(⼀)按合同,长吨改为公吨;(⼆)展装运期到九⽉底并准许分运转船。
7、信⽤证3855 号,请来电取消“银⾏费⽤由受益⼈负担”的条款。
(Please delete by cable from L/C No. 3855 the clause “Banking charges should be borne by thebeneficiary”)
8、“和平”轮定于本⽉ 25 ⽇起航开往欧洲。因为你们的信⽤证修改书迄今未到,我们恐
10、信⽤证 560 号修改书未到,请即电改,以便早⽇装运,电复。
V. Translate the following letter into Chinese:
Re: L/C 1234 issued by Districk Bank
We acknowledge receipt of the captioned Letter of Credit for the amount of £2, 500
covering your order No. 215 for 8 metric tons Walnutmeat.
It appears that the amount in your L/C is insufficient as the correct total CIF value of your
order comes to £2960 instead of £2, 500 the difference being £460.
In view of the above, please increase the amount of your L/C by £460. On receipt of your
amendment we shall arrange shipment without fail.
VI. Write a reply tothe above letter with the following particulars:
2、今天早晨已通过我⽅银⾏⽤电报修改第 1125号信⽤证。