    考查范围第一阶段:个人信息, 如家庭,家乡,学习, 工作和爱好等。第二阶段:常见的商务 话题,如销售,顾客服 务,员工培训和职业发 展等。
    介绍自己的 考官就一般问题向考 情况,以前 生轮流提问,考生作 答。时间大约3分钟。 的经历和未 来的打算并 表达对常见 问题的看法。
    第二部分小演讲 围绕一个主 考生从三个话题中选 根据提示就某个商务话 (Mini-presentation) 题连贯地组 择一个话题后准备1分 题发表观点并陈述理由。 织一段发言。 钟,然后陈述1分钟, 并回答同伴的提问。 时间大约6分钟。 第三部分讨论 (Collaborative Task and Discussion) 表达赞同或 反对意见, 利用推测和 对比来说明 自己的观点。 在考官的引导下,考 根据考官提供的信息卡 生之间进行双向式交 上的商务场景,考生彼 此交换看法。 流。然后回答考官根 据讨论话题提出的问 题。时间大约5分钟。
    商务交往的主要范围有:1) 建立和保持商务联络: ---- 问候及回应; ---- 自我介绍或询问对
方的身份,个性特点等; ---- 发出,接受或拒绝邀请; ---- 表示感谢和欣赏; ---- 提供方便,接受或拒绝帮助。 2)谈论工作 ---- 询问或描述工作范围和任务; ---- 询问或介绍公司情况; ---- 询问或介绍产品; ---- 比较不同产品的价格; ---- 提出自己的观点或建议; ---- 接受或拒绝建议; ---- 表达需求。 3)制定计划与安排工作 ---- 商务会议日程和议程安排; ---- 商务旅行,包括预订机/车票和房间,订餐结帐,旅行咨询等。
    中级口语考试仿真样题Part Ⅰ Interview ( about 3 minutes) In this part interlocutor asks some questions to each of the candidates in turn. Candidates have to give information about themselves and express personal opinions.
    Questions for Phase 1: Where are you from? What do you do? What do you like best about your studies? How do you describe your hometown?Questions for Phase 2: What’s your career ambition? Do you think it is necessary for employers to offer staff training? Why? What do you think of the spirit of teamwork in business?
    Part Ⅱ Mini-Presentation ( about 6 minutes) In this part each candidate is asked to choose one from three business topics ( A, B, C) and give a short talk on it for about one mi
nute. Candidates have one minute to prepare. After that, they have to answer a question their partner asks about their talk. A: What is important when preparing for a job interview? ---- find more information about the organization ---- getting some advice from friends B: What is important when hoping to improve customer service? ----- reward for customers ---- customers’ need
    s analysis ---- lower prices or discounts C: What is significant in motivating employees? ----- training opportunities ----- career development opportunities ---- bonus
    Part Ⅲ Collaborative Task and Discussion ( about 5 minutes) In this part candidate are given a card of situation description. They have 30 seconds to have a quick look at the card and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic together. They should give reasons for their decisions and opinions. The oral examiners will just listen to their discussion and then ask them a few questions related to the topic. Company Publicity
    A famous business magazine is sending a journalist to write about the company you work for. You have been invited by your company to help the journalist with the article. Disc
uss the situation together and decide: ---- what should be included in the article ---- how this article could influence your company
    Skills for Each PartⅠInterview1. Skills 2. Useful Expressions 3. Regular Topics
    Ⅱ Mini-Presentation1. Introduction 2. Skills 3. Useful Expressions 4. Regular Topics
    Ⅲ Collaborative Task and Discussion1. Skills 2. Related Subjects 3. Useful Expressions 4. Regular Topics
    应试技巧(Interview )1)第一阶段的问候和介绍非常简单,相当于热身练习,该部 分主要是用来活跃气氛,缓解考生的紧张情绪,所以考生只需 作简单回答,就事论事,两句话足够。 2)考生在听考官提问时要细心,通常考官先问考生A,同一问 题轮到考生B时,考官会用what about you, how about you, what do you think 等句子替换原来的问题,然后再从考生B 开始发问,并进行新一轮的问答。如果没有听清楚考官提出 的问题可要求考官重复问题。 3)第二阶段是与商务工作相关的话题,考生应有自己的观点。 考官所提出的问题较多的专业词汇,考生应听清后再作答,每 个话题两三句话就行。 4)考生要充满自信,谈话时注意自己
的语音,语调语速,表 达要清晰,简洁,明了。 5)考生应充分利用这一热身部分尽快熟练并适应考官和同伴的 语音,语调等,为接下来的考试做好准备。
    Phase 1 Greetings and introductions
    1). Do you work or are you a student? --- I am a college student in 。. I major in 。. --- I work in 。 I am a 。 2). What do you like most about your job/studies? --- I like making friends with people around. That’s the most interesting part of my job. --- I love reading English novels. It helps improve my English. 3). Do you enjoy studying English? Why? --- Sure, I like it very much. It is a beautiful language and it is widely used in the world. ---To be honest, I don’t like it. I study English just because we are required to do so.
    4). Why do you take BEC oral test? --- I want to find a job in a foreign-invested enterprise. A certificate of BEC Vantage is a basic requirement in such companies. Be
    sides. I’d like to prove my ability in oral English by taking the test. --- Actually, it is my par
ents who ask me to take the test. In their opinions, the more test I take, the more certificates I will get. A large number of certificates can guarantee me a good job. Though I don’t agree with them, I have no choice to follow their instructions.
    5). How are you getting along with your classmates or colleagues?--- Not bad. My colleagues are warm-hearted and helpful. They help me in many ways while working together. --- I get along very well with my classmates. We help each other and learn from each other. They are best friends.
