Scientists recently examined studies on dog intelligence ..
26.N surpass
27.K previously
28.O volumn
29.M prove
30.A affirmed
31.G formidable
32.D differentiate
33.E distinct
34.C completely
35.I overstated
Imagine sitting down to a big dinner ...
26.H indulging
27.I innumerable
28.J morality
29.A attributes
30.K odds
31.M regulatory
32.G inclined
33.N still
34.E diminishing
35.B comprised
You might not know yourself as wellasyouthink ...
26.L relatively
27.I probes
28.A activated
29.k recall
30.D consecutive
31.C assessment
32.G discrepancy
33.E cues
34.J random
35.O terminate
36. One tiny American college situated on a cattle farm is devoted to educating students to serve mankind throughout their lives .
[ G ] With only 26 students ...
37. Much to the author s disappointment , the three institutions of higher learning where s
he taught largely ignore students growth as Social beings .
[ D ] I ve had the priviledge of ...
38. Tiny colleges must be made affordable in order to play a role in higher education .
[ J 】 The average tuition at a small ...
39. According to a recent graduate from a tiny college , living together with faculty and fellow students is conducive to a student s growth as a person .
[ H ]" Living in close community ...
40. Rather than going small , most American universities are trying to gobig .
[ B ] Inhigher education the trend ...
41. In a certain tiny college , rigorous academie work and traditional manual labor areintegrated.
[ I ] Sterling College , in Craftsbury Common ...
42. Tiny colleges focus on educating students to become well - rounded citizens instead of seeking their own expansion .
【 C 】 Tiny Colleges focus not just on ...
43. The essence of education lies in the interaction between people
[ L ] The " trick " to making tiny colleges ...
44. After her retirement , the author has decided to set up a tiny college in her hometown .
[ E 】 Having just retired from teaching at a ...
45. Tiny colleges are justified as it is believed that our growth into ful humanity comes through interaction with people near and dear to us .
【 N ] The ultimate justification for a tiny college ...
36. It does us far more good to focus on things we can be grateful for than what makesus sad and resentful .
[ C ] Defoe s masterpiece , which is often ...
37.The beneficial impacts of gratitude can extend from individuals to their community and to a the wider society .
[ G ] There are multiple explanations ...
38. The participants in a recent study repeatedly underestimated the positive effect on those who received thank - you notes .
[ A ] Gratitude may be more beneficial
39. Good deeds can sometimes make people feel uncomfortable .
[ I ] Of course , act of kindness can also ...
40. People who regularly express gratitude can benefit in moraliterms .
[ F ] Recent scientific studies support ...
41. A basketball coach advocated performing generous acts without expecting anything in return .
[ K ] Reflecting on generosity and gratitude ...
42. More and more evidence shows it makes us mentally and physically healthier to routinely
count our blessings .
[ D ] When we focus on the things ....
43. Of all states of mind , feeling grateful is considered one of the most healthy and beneficial .
[ M ] When Defoe depicted Robinson ....
44. The principles underlying the research into gratitude are nothing new at all .
[ B ] While this research into ...
大学英语六级多少分过 45. Gratitude is likely to enhance one s sense of being connected with other people .
[ H ] Gratitude also tends to strengthens a sense ...
36. Socially prescribed perfectionism is described as one s self - esteem depending on other people s opinion .
[ E ] Curran describes socially prescribed ...
37. Jessica Pryor has learned that some graduate students work such long hours in the lab that they have little time for entertainment or socializing .
[ A ] When psychologist Jessica Pryor ...