第六章——M8.1 城堡金库Chapter 6 - M8.1 Castle treasury M8.1 M8.1 城堡金库巫师攻略
M8.1 Castle treasury1. 入口Entrance2. 被封闭的通道——进入瞭望塔后方能通过Blockedpassage –you cangetthrough itonly afteryou enterthewatchtower3. 警卫室Guard room4. 通往第二层To level 25. 通往第一层Back to level 16. 隐蔽的通道Hidden passage7. 通往第三层To level 38. 通往第二层Back to level 29. 警卫室——在此处可以搜到钱和物品Guard room – search the room to find lots ofmoney and valuable items.10. 杠杆Levers11. 秘密通道Secret passage12. 秘密通道——搜查这里所有的箱子——可以到不错的武器和盔甲Secret passage armor.– check all the chests and stands here – you will find some high quality weapons and armor13. 通往第
四层To level 414. 通往第三层Back to level 315. 火把Torches16. 格栅Grates17. 塑像Statues and the pedestal18. 门Door19. 通往庭院的出口Exit to the courtyard1. 骑士特拉丹、马尔高拉、布拉德范Knight Tradan Malgorra Bloodfang MalgorraBloodfang TradanMalgorra2. 费纳,古德温Phenar Mercenary Gudwin Phenar3. 出口Exit 第六章——主线任务Chapter 6 - Main quests 任务顺序Quest order:任务13.1 与格林会面Q13.1 Meet with Gerling 13.1任务14.1 阻拦亨伯德的追捕者Q14.1 Stop Humbolds Pursuers 14.1任务13.2 抵达隐蔽的通道Q13.2 Get to the hidden passage 13.2任务13.3 到龙之眼Q13.3 Find the Dragons Eye 13.3任务13.4
回到海辛德神庙Q13.4 Return to the temple of Hesinde 13.4 任务13 龙之眼Q13 The Dragons Eye1. 与格林会面Meet with Gerling在通往矮人区的大门边到格林(Gerling)M510。等他和守卫对话完毕后,和他说话。向他解释你的任务,他会告诉你有一条秘密通道通往利牙城堡。GerlingM510 can be found by the gate leading to the dwarven district. Wait for him toGerlingM510finish the conversation with the guard and chat him up. Explain him your mission and hewill tell you about a secret passage leading to the Grimtooth Castle that you will need touse.2. 前往秘密通道Head to the secret passage朝城堡方向走。在路上回到几个兽人守卫。通往城堡地下室的秘密通道M83就在墓地附近。打败兽人守卫,进入洞穴。Continue on towards the castle. On your way you will encounter some orc squads. Thesecret passage M83 leading to the castle vault is in the nearby graveyard. Defeat the orcsguarding the spot and enter the caves.3. 潜行躲避兽人Sneak past the orcs如果你使用潜行技能成功抵达第三层且不被发现,将得到额外的经验值奖励。If youll manage to proceed unseen to the third level you will gain extra experience.4. 到龙之眼Find the Dragons Eye城堡下面的地道——第一层Tunnels beneath the castle - level 1首先需要穿过几个洞穴抵达下一层。沿途会遇到不少兽人和蜘蛛。在岗哨M8.13位置,会遇到几个兽人战士和一个食人魔。因为被施了咒语,这个食人魔无法攻击兽人。食人魔为此大发雷霆,用它的大棒子狂打地面――它造成的地面陷落阻挡了你回退的线路。没有办法,只能和兽人、食人魔开战,前往下一层M8.14。M8.14.First you need to get past the caves and onto the next level M8.14 On your way you willencounter loads of orcs and spiders who hatch in these caves. In the guar
d post M8.13 youwill encounter some orc warriors and an ogre that cant attack the orcs due to the spell thathas been cast on him. The ogre is pretty angry and keeps on smashing his club against the und – this has caused the cave-in that blocks your way back. M8.12 You have no M8.14.choice but to fight the orcs and the ogre and head to the next level M8.14城堡下面的地道——第二层Tunnels beneath the
castle – level 2建议使用本层的隐蔽通道M8.16,那里有一些不错的装备。这一层到处都是兽人,使用潜行技能或者一路杀到下一层去M8.17。M8.16and collect theIts a good idea to use the hidden passages set throughout this level M8.16 itemsstored there. There are orcs all throughout this level so youll need to eithervaluable items
M8.17orsneak your way up to the next level M8.17 hack your way through them.城堡下面的地道——第三层Tunnels beneath the castle – level 3从左至右,杠杆的设置是:上/下/上拦路的格栅就会打开,可以继续前进了。The right lever setting is beginning from the The grates blocking your way will be liftedleft: up / down / up. and you will be able to continue. 解开一个小小的谜题就可以进入金库M8.1(13)了。警卫室M8.19有三个杠杆M8.113,要与上方的盾牌符合才可以。将左边的向上,中间的向下,右边的向上,就可以到下一层去了M8.113。在走之前,先转一圈,搜到钱和物品。在一个房间M8.112 中,你会拿到不错的武器和装甲。M8.113can be reached after completing a simple riddle. The
guard The treasure room M8.113 M8.110. room M8.19 contains three levers M8.110 That you will need to set to match the shields above. Set the first on the left up the middle one down and the right one up. You M8.113 could just go on to the next level M8.113 but its better to look around a bit and collect valuableslaying around. The most interesting room is M8.112 the money and valuables M8.112where you armor. will find some very interesting weapons and armor 城堡下面的地道——第四层Tunnels beneath the castle – level 4 又一道谜题挡住了去路——要通过格栅M8.116,就要火把把手调整为正确的顺序M8.115。面对着门,拉右边的。然后转身,背对着门,拉右边的,然后是左边的。现在可以进入圆形大厅了。大厅中有个基座,还有四座雕像M8.117。要把每个雕像转为面向里面。难度在于,你转动一个雕像时,其余的雕像也会跟着转动——一个雕像只能自身转动,第二个可以带动另两个转动,第三个可以带动另三个转动,第四个带动所有的雕像转动。解决方案是:转动东边的雕像三次,北边的两次,南边的两次。解决谜题后,龙之眼就会出现在基座上。奖励:龙之眼M8.116up you will need to Another riddle blocks your path – in order to pull the grates M8.116 M8.115. pull the torch handles in the right order M8.115 Face the door and pull the one to the right. Then turn so that youre facing away from the door and pull the right one then the left one. You can now continue on until you reach the large round chamber with pedestal 17. and four statues M8.1 17 You need to rotate the statues so that each of them is facing inside. The trick is that each of the statues rotates a different number of statues – one only rotates itself the second rotates two the third rotates three and the fourth rotates each of the
m. The solution to the riddle is: rotate the eastern statue three times the northern two Eyewill appear on the times and the southern twice. After you solve the riddle the Dragons Eyepedestal.Reward:Dragons EyeReward:Dragons5. 回到海辛德神庙Return to the temple of HesindeA. 庭院Courtyard拿到东西后离开城堡。从通往庭院的出口M8.119出去,那里正上演一场战斗,你会看到兽人们即将胜利。抵挡的人中,只有骑士特拉尔达(Knight Traldar)M8.21、他的儿子费纳(Phenar)和古德温(Mercenary Gudwin)M8.22是在正真作战。女巫马尔高拉(Malgorra)M8.21正在威胁特拉尔达(Traldar),但是,当她看到你后,会让你把龙之眼交给她。选择1:立刻把东西交给她1选择2:告诉她你绝不会放弃这块宝石,马尔高拉会杀掉古德温,而你仍要把龙2之眼给她。Once you have what you wanted its time to leave the castle. Exit to the courtyard
M8.119 M8.119where a fight is on. You will see that orcs are very close to victory. Among the defendersonly Knight TraldarM8.21 his son Phenar and Mercenary GudwinM8.22 M8.21 TraldarM8.21 M8.22seem fit to fight. GudwinM8.22The sorceress MalgorraM8.21 is threatening Traldar M8.21 MalgorraM8.21 Traldarbut when she sees you she will u to hand over the Dragons EyeOption 1: Give her the item right away. jeweland MalgorraOption 2: Tell her that you will never surrender the jewel Malgorrawill kill MercenaryGudwin Eye.Gudwin and you will still have to give her the Dragons Eye拿到想要的东西后,女巫(sorceress )就消失了。而你则要对付兽人首领布拉德范)
(Bloodfang)(Grace:这个名字翻译成血牙,更好些??打他几下后,他会变成一个法师,之前曾在艾维斯图和鲜血山脉见过这个法师——诺尔德罗康(Noldrokon)M8.21。再打,他会现出真实的原形——他也是个蜥蜴人(lizard-like )M8.21。杀掉他,和兽人队长(orcish captain)对话,他会告诉你他并不知道他们首领的底细,并且他也不想再打下去了。让兽人们离开,和骑士特拉尔达对话。告诉他你在执行龙的任务。出人意料地是,特拉尔达(Tradan)会将真正的龙之眼和另一片盔甲碎片交给你。然后特拉尔达(Tradan)会回到公爵城堡去。当你回到费多克后,去他,他会加入你的队伍。奖励:真正的龙之眼、火焰臂环After getting what she wanted the sorceress sorceresswill disappear and you will be forced to fightthe orc leader BloodfangM8.21 Once you land a few blows he will transform into a mage M8.21. BloodfangM8.21youve previously encountered in Avestreu and Blood Mountains - NoldrokonM8.21 Next M8.21. NoldrokonM8.21few hits will force him to reveal his true form – hes one of the lizard-like M8.21 M8.21creatures. lizard-likeM8.21 captainKill it and listen to orcish captain who will say that he had no idea what his leader truly Traldar.was and apparently has lost his will to fight. Let the orcs leave and talk to Knight Traldar Traldanwill surprise you by giving youTell him that you are the warrior of the Dragon Quest. Traldan piece.the real Dragons Eye and another armor piece Tradan will head out to the Ducal Citadel.After you get back to Ferdok go and visit him and he will join your party. EyeReward: Real Dragons Eye Fire ArmletB. 海辛德神庙Temple of Hesinde离开庭院。注意,你将无法再回到这里。回到海辛德神庙和多利昂(Dorion )M2.22对话。场景过后得到火焰护盾Shield of
Fire。你的新任务是拿回金刚之心Adamantine Adamantine 聆((Heart。听神谕Oracle)后和多利昂Dorion)对话,他告诉你根据大蛇之书Book of t he BookSerpent,你需要一位力量强大的巫师。最佳人选当然是拉克瑞姆(Rakorium)老人家啦,出发去他。奖励:芬若护盾(Fendrals Shield)第六章结束Leave the courtyard bearing in mind that you wont be able to return to this place. Head outto the Temple of Hesinde M22 and talk to
DorionM2.22 Watch the cinematic and you M2.22. DorionM2.22 Fire. Heart.will receive the Shield of Fire Your new goal will be retrieving the Adamantine Heart Dorion.After listening to the Oracle talk to Dorion He will tell you that according to the Book of Rakoriumthe Serpent you will need a powerful wizard. The only one you know seems to be Rakoriumso you should head out and talk to him.Reward:Fendrals ShieldReward:FendralsEnd of chapter six 任务14 信使Q14 The Messenger1. 阻拦亨伯德的追捕者Stop Humbolds pursuers现在可以去新地点了。第一个值得注意的,是燃烧的城堡。往前走,遇到正在奔跑的亨伯德(Mercenary Humbold )M82。他说城堡正在被兽人攻击,他和几个人受命通过秘密入口出来寻救援。一兽人正在追他,他让你帮他阻拦追兵,以便逃脱。这帮兽人追兵有一个强大的食人魔做
后盾。先干掉食人魔,再处理剩下的敌人。You can now head out to the newly revealed location. First notable thing is the burningcastle. Move along to encounter the running Mercenary Humbold M82 He
will tell you M82. HumboldM82that the castle is being attacked by the orcs and that he and a few others were sent to bringhelp via the secret entrance. He is pursued by a band of orcs and will ask you to halt thecreatures for him to run away. The group that you will need to stop is composed of orcssupported by a powerful ogre. Try to focus your attacks on the huge creature and only afterits dead take care of the rest. 第六章——支线任务Chapter 6 - Sidequests 费多克Ferdok: 支线任务11 卡斯坦甘布雷克SQ11 Kastan Gamblack continued2. 将甘布雷克的死讯告知
格罗宁Inform Growin of Gamblacks demise去格罗宁(Growin)M5.27,告诉他你杀死了甘布雷克。奖励:50 50 50个金币Approach GrowinM5.27 and tell him that youve killed Gamblack GrowinM5.27 Gamblack.Reward:50 DucatsReward:50 支线任务13 为了一堆金币(续——为内斯贝克家族效力)SQ13 For a Handful of Ducats continued –house Neisbeck5. 新任将军New General去佩戈巴贝克(Pagol Babek)M49。他说维托内斯贝克(Vito Neisbeck)想要见你——他就站在马车和佩戈的后面。Go and talk to Pagol BabekM49 He will tell you that Vito Neisbeck M49. BabekM49 Neisbeckwants to meet you –hes standing right behind Pagol and the wagons. He has a new mission for you.5.1 在快脚雪貂阻截塔罗仕Keep Tarosh in the ―Fleet Footed Ferret‖ Ferret‖到―快脚雪貂‖M41去,那里有个名叫塔罗仕(Tarosh)的醉鬼,他曾经向斯托瑞勃兰特家族告密。当他告诉你一切之后,杀掉他。酒馆老板(innkeeper)很生气,付给他5个银币就没事了,还可以得到额外的经验值。5You n
eed to go to the ―Fleet Footed Ferret‖ M41 and learn what a drunkard by the nameTarosh has told the Storrenbrandts. After he tells you everything kill him. You will beapproached by the angry innkeeper who will calm down once you pay him 5 Thalers – thiswill also net you some additional experience.5.2 到拉尔夫钱德勒Locate Ralph Chandler去拉尔夫钱德勒(Ralph Chandler )M423。他正被一帮斯托瑞勃兰特的工人(Storrebrandts workers)包围着。走近后战斗爆发。Storrebrandts workers.Go to Ralph ChandlerM423 You will see that hes surrounded byStorrebrandts workers M423. ChandlerM423Once you get closer a fight will break out.5.3 和维托对话Talk to Vito杀死工人后,回去维托(Vito)汇报。奖励:25 25 25个金币After killing the workers report back to Vito and report him on your actions.Reward:25 DucatsReward:256. 考验时刻Times of Trial维托(Vito)交给你另一项任务。这次你要去给斯托瑞勃兰特家族一个教训,到三个地点去杀光他们的工人。Vito has another job for you. This time youll have to give a lesson to the Stoerrebrandts andkill their w.
