剑桥雅思9口语真题及解析-Test1Part2 摘要:剑桥雅思9是很多考生都在学习的教材,在口语和写作的学习中,很多地方考生不是很了解,为此,小编下面为大家带来其详细解析,就请大家跟随小编一起来看下吧!
本题属于“地点建筑类”中典型的地点题,是Part 2常考的话题之一。雅思口语考题的出题原理就是:以一个中心为基本点,辐射周边所有的话题。地点考题的出题特为:以地点为基准,辐射周边所有的地点话题。考生在准备此类话题时要注意理清思路,避免想到哪儿说到哪儿。地点类考题通常需要考生从以下几方面展开:地理位置,地理特征和用途,表达个人对地点的态度.
小汽车违章查询Speaking of a market, I want to talk about my favorite open-air market. It's situated in the eastern part of my hometown. 直接切入主题,明确指出地理位置。
It's pretty huge. Its history goes back all the way to fifty years ago and it's quite famous in my hometown. Actually, everyone living in that city can tell you something about this market. The market is made up of many parts, like the food section, the toy section and the clothing section. A great number of people go there almost every day. Some of them buy things and some others just look around. Also, lots of people out of town visit this market. They heard a lot about it and hope to get some exciting shopping experiences. This market never let them down. You know there are
tons of stuff and everyone can find the thing he or she wishes. Some others just enjoy chatting and bargaining there. 以这个市场的规模和历史作为引入点从而展开全面的介绍。同时,详细描述了市场中不同区域出售的商品。此部分的亮点是,在客现陈述的同时,还另外增添了一丝人文气息,将市场独有的民间风情栩栩如生地呈现给了听众以激发他们的兴趣。
My favorite part of this market is the clothing section in that I can find many different kinds of clothes, like casual, formal and sporty clothes there and the price is always reasonable. What's better, I can a
lways get a discount because it frequently holds sales promotion. Apart from that, all the salesclerks treat customers friendly. They always wear a smile on their face, enjoying the experience of buying or selling things. 该部分从客观和主观两个层面讲述了钟情于这个市场的原因:一则物美,阐述细效、到位:二则价廉,展示丰富的词汇量;三则服务质量好。
This market is totally amazing in that although it's pretty big, it's very well-run. It is kind of noisy but I guess that's perfectly for an open-air market. Come here, you can't come wrong. 最后是对市场的总体评价,不需要多,一至两个画龙点睛句即可。
go back to回溯……
tons of stuff很多东西
sales promotion促销
历史上最大的地震let sb. down让某人失望
bargain v.讨价还价
wear a smile面带笑容
委比 委差>几月几号是母亲节?
千 万 成语
