1:Alerter服务:选择禁止    3
2:application layer gateway service: 可以禁止    3
3:Application management: 可以禁止    3
4:automatic updates:选择禁止    4
5:Background Intelligent Transfer Service :选择禁止    4
6:ClipBook:选择禁止    5
7:COM+ Event System :选择禁止    5
8:COM+ System Application :选择禁止    5
9:Computer Browser :选择禁止    5
10:Cryptographic Services:手动或者禁止    6
11:DCOM Server Process Launcher 此服务级重要程度(中级)    6
12:DFServEx:不要管    7
13:DHCP Client选择“自动”是明智之举。    7
14:Distributed Link Tracking Client :选择禁止    7
15:Distributed Transaction Coordinator:选择禁止    7
16:DNS Client:选择禁止    8
18:Event Log 进程名称叫 无法禁止    8
19:Fast User Switching Compatibility :选择禁止    8
20:Help and Support :选择禁止    8
21:HTTP SSL    9
22:Human Interface Device Access :选择禁止    9
23:IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service :选择禁止    9
24:Indexing Service :选择禁止    9
25:IPSEC Services :选择禁止    10
26:Logical Disk Manager保守选择为手动    10
27 Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service 保守选择为手动    10
28:Messenger :选择禁止    10
29:MS Software Shadow Copy Provider :选择禁止    11
30:Net Logon :选择禁止    11
31:NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing :选择禁止    11
32:Network Connections 自动启用    11
33:Network DDE :选择禁止    12
34Network DDE DSDM :选择禁止    12
35:Network Location Awareness (NLA) :选择禁止    12
36:Network Provisioning Service :选择禁止    13
37:NT LM Security Support Provider建议手动    13
38:NVIDIA Driver Helper Service :选择禁止    13
39:Performance Logs and Alerts :选择禁止    13
40:Plug and Play :选择启动    13
41.Portable Media Serial Number Service :选择禁止    14
42.Print Spooler 打印后台处理程序  : 选择禁止    14
43.Protected Storage建议设为手动    14
44:QoS RSVP建议设为手动    15
45:Remote Access Auto Connection Manager建议设为手动    15
46:Remote Access Connection Manager建议设置自动    15
47:Remote Desktop Help Session Manager选择禁止    15
48:Remote Procedure Call (RPC)(此服务重要程度: 高级)    16
49:Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator建议设置为手动    16
50:Remote Registry :选择禁止    16
51:Removable Storage :可以禁止    16
52:Routing and Remote Access 设置为手动    16
53:Secondary Logon 设置为自动    17
54:Security Accounts Manager 设置为自动    17
55:Security Center 设置为自动    17
56:Server 选择禁止    17
57:Shell Hardware Detection设置为自动    18
58:Smart Card选择禁止    18
59:SSDP Discovery Service选择禁止    18
60:System Event Notification选择禁止    18
61:System Restore Service选择禁止    19
62:Task Scheduler选择禁止    19
63:TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper选择禁止    19
64:Telephony 设置为自动    19
65:Telnet 选择禁止    20
66:Terminal Services 选择禁止    20
67:Themes 可以禁止    20
68:Uninterruptible Power Supply 选择禁止    20
69:Universal Plug and Play Device Host 选择禁止    20
70:Volume Shadow Copy 选择禁止    21
71:WebClient 选择禁止    21
72:Windows Audio 设为自动    21
73:Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) 设为手动    21
