Final Test (A)
姓名 班级 得分
、 听出白,
A for
B four    C floor
A those
B this    C that
A evening
B afternoon    C morning
A there
B three    C tree
(    )5
A on
B in    C under
三、听录音,选择所听到的句子对应的中文意思。    (听两遍)10%
(    )1 A那个妇女是谁?    B那个男人是谁? (    )2 A
几岁? B 你身体怎么样? (    )3 A 尺子在桌上。 B 尺子
(    )4 A 这是什么? B 这是谁? (    )5 A 请坐。
B 请起立。
四、听录音,给下面的句子排序。    (听两遍)10%
(    )His cat and mouse are also small.
(    )Welcome to Toy Museum.
(    )Pigs on the farm go “ oinkoink ".
(    )They are in the tree.
(    )Close your book and off we go.
一、根据中文,在四线三格内写单词。    5%
1 蜡笔
窗户    5   
二、读句子,选择适当的回答。    5%
(    )1    How old is your little sister?
(    )2    Is this a cake?
(    )3    Would you like a cake?
(    )4    Don' t run in the library.
(    )5    What time is it now?
三、根据所给情境,选择恰当的表达。    10%
A I'm sorry.
B It ' s two.
C Yes, it is.
D Yes, please. E She' s two.
A What is that?
A That man is my father.
)3 想知道几点了,你可以说:
B What is this?
B That man is my uncle.

A What' s this?
B Don' t run.
B What' s the time?
(    )4 告诉别人不要说话,你可以说:
A Don' t talk.
(    )5让别人开门,你会说:
A Close the door, please.    B Open the door, please.
1not, shout, do (.)
2at, book, look, my (.)
3this, grandma, my, is (.)
4a, book, has, Mike (.)
5in, please, come (.)
Final Test (A)听力原文 一、1
This is for my mother.
2What,s that?
3Good afternoon.
4It ' s an apple tree.
5The pen is under the desk.
二、1 Don ' t run.
2It ' s time for dinner.
3That man is my uncle.
4St down, please.
5The little bird is in the tree now. 三、1 Who is that man?
6How are you?
7The ruler is on the desk.
8Who is this?
小学三年级英语下册期末试卷9Please stand up.
1They are in the tree.
2Welcome to Toy Museum.
3Close your book and off we go.
4His cat and mouse are also small.
5Pigs on the farm go oink, oink
参考答案    听力部分
二、 a 4 b 2 c 5 d 3
e 1 三、 15 BBABB 四、
42513 笔试部分
一、 1 crayon 2 breakfast 3 twelve 4 window 5 drink
1—5 ECDAB 三、    15 ABBAB
60 分钟    分值: 100
30 分)
(10 (原创题)
(    ) 1.A.door
(    ) 2.A.she
(    )    3.A.schoolbag
(    ) w
B.pencil case
(    ) 5.A.these apples
B.those oranges
(    ) 6.Ae in
B.wake up
C.that pear
C.stand up
) 7.A.He s my father.B. He s my uncle.
C.Hes my brother.
(    ) 8.A.Who s this? B. Who s he?
C.Whos she?
(    ) 9.A.What time is it? B. What are these?
C.What are those?
) 10.A.How old are you? B. Who s that man?    C.Whos that woman?
