1.友善的          2.聪明的            3.害羞的          4.安静的
5.吵闹的          6.淘气的            7.总是            8.但是
9.有一点儿              10.有帮助的              11.加上
12.二十                  13.附加的                14.另一个
15.鹦鹉                  16.制作                  17.好的
18.坏的                  19.科学                  20.英语
21.语文                  22.数学
(  ) 1.She _______ very nice.            A. am    B. is    C. are 
(  ) 2._______ is Maomao.              A. These  B. This  C. Those
(  ) 3.These _______ my friends.        A. here  B. very  C.are
(  ) 4.This little girl cant ______ her Chinese.  A. do  B. does  C.make
(  ) 5.Im _______ to help her.    A.doing  B.going  C.making
(  ) 6.Whats ten ______ eleven?  Its twenty-one.A.plus B.times C. miners
(  ) 7.What are you doing? Im ________.    A. read  B. reads  C. reading
(  ) 8.Lets ______ to the park.      A.go    B.do  C.going
(  ) 9.She always ________ people.  A. helps  B. helpful  C. help
(  ) 10. Whats Parrot ______?      A.do  B. like  C.shy
1.  clever  very    Hes    _________________________________.
2. he  a bit  But  quiet  is  _________________________________.
3. helps  She  people  always  _________________________________.
4. her  Im  to  help  going  _________________________________.
5. maths This cant girl do her little __________________________________.
1.电影院        2.可能            3.车站          4.动物园
5.学校          6.公园            7.老虎          8.(打)电话
9.圆的          10.宽的          11.熊猫          12.超市
13.狮子          14.参观15.河流          16.很多
17.安静的        18.加上          19.更多的        20.有一点
(  ) 1.What _____ you do this weekend?  A. are  B. do  C. will
(  ) 2. Maybe well _______ to the zoo.    A. going  B. go  C. go to
(  ) 3. What will you see? _______   
A. No, I dont know.  B. No, I dont.  C. I dont know.
(  ) 4. I’ll ____ my grandpa.          A. visits  B. visiting  C. visit
(  ) 5. I _______ visit London.        A. will    B. to    C. am
(  ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.    A. will    B. want    C. are
(  ) 7.Will you phone me? No, I ____.  A. am not  B. dont  C. wont
(  ) 8. There _____ a phone.          A. isnt    B. are    C. be
(  ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school.  A. dont    B. wont  C. am
(  ) 10. You are ______ the park.      A. go to    B. will go to  C. going to
Sam:  Will you play with me this weekend?
Daming: No, I dont.
Sam:  Will you phone me?
Daming: No, I dont.
Sam:    Oh!
Daming: Ill visit my grandpa.He lives in the countryside.There isnt a phone there.
1.Will Daming play with Sam? ____________________________________.
2. Will Daming phone Sam? ____________________________________.
3. Who will Daming visit? ____________________________________.
4. Where does Damings grandpa live? __________________________________.
5. Is there a phone there? ____________________________________.
1.大的          2.高的            3.长的          4.圆的
5.新的          6.宽的            7.古老的          8.来自
9.关于          10.非常          11.河流          12.伦敦
13.桥            14.参观15.钟            16.(个子)高的
17.安静的        18. 英语          19.科学          20.有帮助的
(  ) 1.Look _____ this book.          A. over  B. at    C. on
(  ) 2.Its _______ London.          A. of    B. at    C. about
(  ) 3.Im _______ London.          A. from  B. on    C. at
(  ) 4.This river is very ____ and ____.  A.big/high  B.long/wide  C.short/tall
(  ) 5.I _______ visit London.        A. go to  B. want to  C. am
(  ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.    A. will    B. want    C. are
(  ) 7.Its a big _____ eye.            A. round  B. long    C. wide
(  ) 8.Youll _____ on the London Eye.  A.go      B.doing  C.going
(  ) 9.This house is very _____ .        A. long    B. round  C. old
(  ) 10. Big Ben is a very ______.  A.new colck  B. new Bridge  C.old clock
Amy:    Look at this book. Its about London. Im _______ London.
Lingling: This river ______ very wide.
Amy:    And its very long. Its the River Thames.
Amy:    This is Big Ben.
