(满分:100分  时间:60分钟)
1、(  )A.cow        B.small    C.long
2.(  )A.under        B.on    C.soup
3.(  )A.fish        B.fifteen    C.bird
4.(  )A.animal        B.zoo    C.park
5.(  )A.tree        B.can    C.grass
1. h___ ___d  2.c___t  3. p___n
4.___ig  5. t___n  6. m___ ___k
1、—Here is an apple for you. (  )
A.Here you are    B.Thanks    C.Bye
2、—Shake your body. (  )
A.Thank you.    B.OK!    C.Very well, thanks.
3、—Are you Tiger? (  )
A.Thank you.    B.No, I am zip!    C.Yes, I am Zoom!
4、—Do you like eggs? (  )
A.No, I don’t.    B.Yes, I don’t.    C.No, I am not.
5、—Are you Mike? (  )
A.No. I’m Mike.    B.Yes, you are.    C.Yes, I am.
6、What classes do you have ______ Wednesday? (  )
A.on    B.in    C.at
7、—Look, it’s ten o’clock. (  )
—It’s time ______.
A.to go    B.eat    C.come
8、This is Miss Li. ________ my teacher (老师). (  )
A.She    B.He’s    C.She’s
9、________ name’s Sarah. (  )
A.My    B.I    C.Me
10、The elephant is ________. (  )
A.small and thin    B.big and tall    C.small and short
四、 读一读,请给句子选出合适的答语并连线。(10分)
1. Good afternoon.                                             a. My name’s Lucy.
2. Nice to meet you.                                           b. Good afternoon.
3. This is Mike.                                                  c. OK.
4. Let’s paint.                                                    d. Nice to meet you, too.
5. What’s your name?                                        e. Nice to meet you.
五、 连词成句。(10分)
1.  your   Is   this   skirt  ?
2.  What   is   it    time  ?
3.  have   a    I    candy  .
4.  like   mango   you   Do  ?
5.  you    Here    are  .
六、 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)
1.I'm Mike. I'm a pupil. (    )
2.I'm John. I'm from the UK. (    )
3.She's a student. (    )
4.Welcome! (    )
5.We are friends. (    )
七、 给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)
A.Hello. I’m Wang Bing.
B.Good afternoon, Miss Ma.
C.Yes, I am.
D.Goodbye, Sam.
E. Good morning.
1.Are you Han Ming? (      )
2.Goodbye, John. (      )
3.Good morning, Mike. (      )
4.Good afternoon, class. (      )
5.Hello. I’m Liu Tao. (      )
八、 阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。(20分)
Hello! I’m Chen Jie. I’m from China. I have four new friends. John and Mike are boys. Mike is from Canada. John is from the USA.Linda and Amy are girls. They are from the UK.I like my friends.
1.Chen Jie has three new friends. (    )
