一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)
()1.A.student    B. sister    C. seventeen
()2.A.water    B. woman    C. women
()3.A.six    B. small    C. surprise
()4.A.eighteen    B. eight    C. eat
()5.A.pig    B. panda    C. pear
二、听录音, 判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符, 相符的画“√”, 不相符的画“×”。
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.
三、听录音, 选出你所听内容相应的答语。(10分)
()1.A.Thank you.  B. Here you are.
()2.A.She is my grandmother.    B. She is my sister.
()3.A.Really?    B. Thank you!
()4.A.It's on the box.    B. Here you are.
()5.A.Yes, I don't.    B. No, I don't.
四、听录音, 选择相应的选项填入表格内。(写序号)(10分)
A.    B.    C.    D.
E.    F. G. H.
()ape    B. grandmother    C. grandpa ()2.A.ear    B. pear    C. eye
()    B. car    C. boat
()4.A.big    B. pig    C. tiger
()5.A.long    B. short    C. family 六、单项选择。(10分)
()1.Is________your sister?
A. she
B. he
C. her
()2.________it in your bag?
A. Are
B. Is
C. \
()3.Amy has ________ big bag.
A. a
B. an
C. \
()4.Amy, Sarah and Mike are________.小学三年级英语下册期末试卷
A. boys
B. sisters
C. friends
()5.________elephants do you see?
A. How many
B. What
C. How
七、看图, 选出合适的单词, 完成句子。(10分)
1. is a student.(He/She)
2. It has eyes. (big/long)
3. It's your desk. (in/on)
4. Let's buy two . (oranges/strawberries)
5. I see balls. (twelve/eleven)
()1.家里来了朋友, 你表达欢迎, 你可以这样说:
A. What's your name?
B. Welcome!
C. Goodbye.
()2.你要表达“这是我的家庭。”, 你可以这样说:
A. That is my family.
B. It's family.
C. This is my family.
()3.表达他又瘦又高, 你可以这样说:
A. He is thin and tall.
B. She is fat and tall.
C. He is thin and short.
()4.表达我们来吃些草莓吧, 你可以这样说:
A. Let's have some strawberry.
B. Let's have some strawberrys.
C. Let's have some strawberries.
()5.当你看到埃米快要摔跤时, 你可以这样说:
A. Watch TV.
B. Watch out.
C. Look at me.
九、选择合适的答语, 将序号填入题前的括号内。(5分)
(  )1.Good morning, class. (  )2.Can I have a pear? (  )3.Let's buy some oranges. (  )4.Is it on your desk?
(  )5.How many apples do you have? 十、补全对话。(10分)
Mike: Good morning, Mom! Mom: 1.____________________ Mike: Can I have some chicken? Mom: 2.____________________ Mike: Thank you.
Mom: 3.____________________ Have some oranges! Mike: 4.____________________ I like grapes. Mom: OK! 5.____________________ Mike: Thank you.
Is it in your bag?
Where is my toy bus?
Yes, thank you.
A. Sure. Here you are.
B. Good morning!
C. You're welcome.
D. No, thanks!
E. Here you are.
Look! It's under the chair.
No, it isn't.
十二、阅读短文, 完成下列各题。(10分)
Hello, I'm Lucy. I'm ten. This is my big family. The old man is my grandpa. He is tall. His favourite food is vegetables. The old woman is my grandma. She is short. The tall and thin man is my father. He is a good teacher. He likes bananas very much. The beautiful woman is my mother. Her hair is very long. She likes strawberries and apples. I like strawberries, too. The little boy is my brother. He is under the desk. He likes his toy cars. How many people(人) are there in my family?
A.    B.    C.
