学校      班级      姓名
听力部分 (40分)
一、Listen and circle.(听录音,选择与所听内容相对应的图片,将其序号填入括号里。)(5分)
(  )1.  A        B 
(  )2.  A   B   
(  )3.    A     B   
(  )4.  A        B 
(  )5.    A        B 
二、Listen and choose. (听录音,从A、B、C中选出你所听到的字母、单词或句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内。)(5分)
     (    )1.A、Ii     B、Ll        C、Yy
(    )2.A、Hh    B、Ff      C、Gg
(    )3.A、pear    B、peach    C、please
(    )4.A、man    B、mother        C、mom
(    ) 5. A. I’m hungry.  B. I’m thirty!  C. I’m Li Ming.
(  )1.A. He’s Mike.  B. He’s in the car.  C. He’s my brother.
(  )2.A They are students.B. They are teachersC. They are dogs.       
(  )3.A. Do you like this dog? B. Do you like this cat?
C. Do you like this monkey?
(  ) 4.A. How old is he? B. How old are you?  C. How old is she?
(  )5.A. Some sandwiches, please.  B. Some pears, please.    C.Some biscuits, please.
四、Listen and circle. (森林里正在举行动物运动会。广播里正在播报参加100米决赛运动员的号码,请你根据播报的号码,帮助我们到这5名选手,把他们的号码涂上你自己喜欢的颜。)(共5分)
五、Listen and choose.(听句子,选出最佳答语并将代表这个答语的字母填在题前括号内。)(5分)
 (  )1. A、Thirteen    B、I can see.  C、Thanks.
 (  )2. A、She is Ma Li   B、He, too.   C、I like milk.
(  )3. A、This is Car     B、It’s under the tree. 
C、Show me your book.
(  )4. A、I’m from Canada. B、Nice to meet you.  C、Welcome.
( )5. A、No, I don’t like.  B、Thank you.  C、Me, too.
 六、 根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句(5分)
    (  )1 A.I’m from Tancheng  B. No, it isn’t.  C. Yes, I am.
(  )2 A . She’s a doctor. B. She’s Miss Wang  C. Yes, she is.
(  )3 A. Yes, I do  B. Some eggs, please. 
C .Fine, thank you.
(  )4 A. He’s my father.  B. Yes, she is . C. No, he’s a waiter.
    (  )5 A .She’s my teacher.  B. He’s my father.
  C .My teacher is over there.
(    )Who is this man,Mike?
(    ) Do you like apples?
(    ) How many kites can you see?
(    )Who is that boy?
(    )Excuse me,Can I use your pen?
八、Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标号。)(5分)
九、Write the right form. (写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。)(5分)
 I           F         d    
十、Tick or cross. .(看图,读句子。如果两者相符,在括号中打√,否则打×。)(5分)
十一、Choose the right answer. (根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。) (5分)
(  ) Can I use your pen?           1、Yes, I do .
(  ) Do you like bananas?            2、She’s my mother .
(  ) Who’s that woman?           3、I can see 11.
(  ) How many cats can you see?       4、It’s under the chair.
(  ) Where is the ball?            5、Sure.
(1) strawberry  (2) father  (3) eleven  (4) sixteen  (5) apple   
