Recently I have participated in a few Admissions Committee Working Group meetings to discuss possible changes to the application process in the coming year. There are several committees and not all will be making changes, but some slight changes are in the works (maybe personal statement changes for example) and I will post updates to this blog as things take shape over the summer.
The meetings have caused me to reflect upon the applications I read during the winter and I want to use some posts to offer some long term planning advice for those applying in the future.
I will start by noting that our application is currently not online. We take the application down after the deadline passes and the deadline was back in November. Our plan is to have the application open again on September 1st. This does not mean that applicants cannot start preparing now. In the coming months a large number of posts will focus on how you can put together the most compelling application possible.
One thing I highly recommend doing right now is thinking carefully about the individuals you will select to write letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are an important part of our review process and my advice starts with contacting the individuals you will choose many months before the deadline. Contacting these individuals early will allow them to put the submission of your letter on their calendar. Letters written in a rush are likely to not be of the same quality as those that are thought out over a long period of time.
The best letters of recommendation also tie the past and future together and mention qualities valued by the HKS Admissions Committee. We expect all letters of recommendation to include details on the past, but outstanding letters look beyond the past and provide commentary on the potential of an applicant. The best way to provide your recommender with the information needed to write a compelling letter is to have several substantive conversations or exchanges over a period of time.
This process will logically start with your request for the letter and I would recommend cont
acting those you will be asking to write your letters several months ahead of the deadline. The first exchange can be short and the main purpose is to find out if he or she can write a letter for you. During the first conversation I recommend setting up a follow up appointment a month or so later.
After this first appointment or conversation you should send information to the recommender that jogs his or her memory and sets the stage for your next conversation. Send along a current copy of your resume and some specific information about what you hope to study at HKS.
During the next exchange I recommend discussing your future goals and how HKS will help you to achieve them. It would also be wise to mention that the HKS Admissions Committee is particularly interested in comments that relate to leadership and public service. Compelling letters of recommendation include previous examples of these qualities along with commentary about leadership and public service potential.
After the second meeting or exchange, I would encourage you to send the recommender a
draft of the personal statement you will submit with your application. All of the parts of your application combined should tell a story and having your recommender read your personal statement in advance of writing your letter of recommendation will likely lend cohesion to your application.