长元音[]的发音要领是双唇收得又圆又小,并向前突出。例如,“four”和“horse”中的音标[f]和[ h
s]。短元音[]的发音要领是嘴张大,双唇稍收圆,开口度比[]大。例如,“box”和“hot”中的音标[bks]和[ ht]。
The sound /p/ is pronounced like the letter "p" and the sound /b/ is XXX "b"。XXX。To make these sounds。close your lips tightly。hold your breath。and then release the air suddenly to produce the plosive sound。The sound /p/ is voiceless。meaning that your vocal cords do not vibrate。while the sound /b/ is voiced。meaning that your vocal cords do vibrate.
The sound /t/ is XXX "t" and the sound /d/ is XXX "d"。XXX。To make these sounds。touc
h your tongue to the back of your teeth。hold your breath。and then release the air suddenly to produce the plosive sound。The sound /t/ is voiceless。while the sound /d/ is voiced.
The sound /k/ is XXX "k" and "c"。while the sound /g/ is XXX。To make these sounds。raise the back of your tongue to touch your soft palate。hold your breath。and then release the air XXX sound。The sound /k/ is voiceless。while the sound /g/ is voiced.
The sound /f/ is XXX "f" and "ph"。while the sound /v/ is XXX "v"。XXX make these sounds。touch your bottom lip to your top teeth。and let air flow through to produce the fricative sound。The sound /f/ is voiceless。while the sound /v/ is voiced.
The sound /θ/ and /ð/ are XXX make these sounds。touch your tongue to the back of your teeth。and let air flow through to produce the fricative sound。The sound /θ/ is voiceless。while the sound /ð/ is XXX.
The sound /s/ and /z/ are XXX "s"。while the sound /z/ is also XXX "z"。XXX。To make th
ese sounds。place the tip of your tongue near your teeth。and let air flow through to produce the fricative sound。The sound /s/ is voiceless。while the sound /z/ is voiced.
The sound /ʃ/ is XXX "sh"。while the sound /ʒ/ is XXX "XXX。To make these sounds。place the tip of your tongue near the back of your teeth。lift the middle part of your tongue。and slightly round your lips。Let air flow through to produce the fricative sound。The sound /ʃ/ is voiceless。while the sound /ʒ/ is voiced.
The sound /r/ is pronounced with the tip of your tongue slightly curled up and your vocal cords vibrating。This sound can be difficult to remember。so practice it often.
The sound /h/ is XXX "h"。It XXX。To make this sound。let air flow through your vocal cords and shape your mouth according to the following vowel sound。The sound /h/ is voiceless.
