1、 小胖子说最近考英语,要我几篇作文背一背好应付考试,正好赶上我今天懒得学习,打dota的话人又凑不齐,所以就来研究一下写作。
2、 本想抄几篇范文给小胖子,后来一想,以后的考试还比较多,用到的地方就多了,每次都抄麻烦,不如好好总结一下,以后也能受益,省了好多劳动。此一劳永逸之举实属懒惰所致。见笑。
3、 现在市场上的写作书好多啊,但是太厚、太贵、太多废话、太多文章;分析不深入、例子不典型、看了没啥用。所以,还是自己搞比较靠谱。
之所以要总结其套路,是因为它真的是有套路的,而且这是提高写作对付考试最实用有效的方法(个人观点,绝对原创,如有雷同,我没抄你!)。如果想有水平上的实质提高,简单说就是想要文章写的有味道,此文不适合你,你可以去参考scott dreyer编写的、机械工业出版社的《美国老师教你写出好英文》——此书绝对不是之作,细心研读,别有风味。
此文题目为:college students have many ways to finance their college education . they may get help from their parents ,find part-time jobs , apply for loans , or win scholarships . which ways do you think are better for college students to choose in order to cover tuition fees and other living costs ? give your ideas and state your reason for it .
下面这篇范文给我们展示了套模板的高超技艺。请看:(手打的,好辛苦??)with the increase of the tuition fees in college , it comes out an inevitable question that how the college students finance their college education 。 some ways emerged , including getting help from their parents , finding part-time jobs ,applying for loans , or winning scholarship . then , a heated topic over which ways seem to be better than the others has become more and more popular . from my point of view , finding
part-time jobs and winning scholarships are two proper ways to answer this question .
the reasons why i choose these two ways are as following: first of all , it is an obligation for students to try their best to get a good record . it is quite possible for a student who studies hard to win scholarship to cover tuition fees . secondly , with the supplement of the money earned by part-time jobs , living costs can be solved . last but not the least , working
experiences can be gained from part-time jobs which can also help students to find a good job after graduation .
from the reasons above , it can be concluded that finding part-jobs and winning scholarships are the best ways to finance students.
不要怀疑你的眼睛,这个真的是2012年全国大学生英语竞赛(c类初赛)的参考范文。霸气吧 ,你看这模板套的多出,落霞与孤鹜齐飞,腐朽共神奇痛在你。真乃奇文一篇!
通过这篇文章, 我想我们可以借鉴的就是--如何套模板。且看:
1、 一般,第一段就是把题目阐述一下,而此文第一句硬生生的为所讨论的问题加上了背景——“学费增加”,题目中也没说呀。所以,经验一:可以根据具体需要自己加内容。下面演示一下,照此思路还可以这么写with the increase of the number of college students , it comes out an inevitable question that how the college students finance their college education 。(太无耻了是吧?对,你已经入门了)
2、 “some ways emerged , including ??”此句给我们展示了一个如何将题目中的内容在文章中再说一遍的号方法——将其变为动名词,用including再罗列一边,简单吧。 2六级英语作文范文
3、 “then , a heated topic over which ways seem to be better than the others has become more and more popular “此句也比较霸气。明显是在用a heated topic has become more and more popular的套路,但是难度在于题目是which ways do you think are better,这个显然不能直接套,所以用which ways seem to be better than the others将所谓的“heated topic”具体化。(其实想想 ,这种话题有什么heated的呢??)
4、 “finding part-time jobs and winning scholarships are two proper ways to answer this question ”此句告诉我们经验二:可以选择两个来说。一般的,我们墨守的是选一种来说,呵呵,选两个的好处就是不怕字数凑不够呀。
5、 第二段的三个原因没啥说的。它把finding part-time jobs 和 winning scholarships 凑起来一共写了三个,字数总算够了。实际中,个人觉得应该加点过渡比较好。还有一点,请注意第一个原因中“it is an obligation for students to try their best to get a good record ”貌似构不成啥因果原因吧。所以,足见我经验一之重要性呀。
6、 结尾也要说一下。很多指导书叫我们“结尾要重申观点”,怎么重申呢,此文教我们这样做:综上,可以概括??然后将观点在抄一遍。
no one wants to be a failure , but different people have different definitions for success. some attach importance to family . men that fall in this category belive they will be
successful if they have a big house , a good car and a beautiful wife ; women in this category are willing to devote their whole life to support their husbands and look after their families. 3
some give priority to career . men of this kind work heart and soul and leave all the family trifles to their wives ; women of this kind are eager to fully develop their career and can’t afford time and energy to take care of their families due to their heavy workload . i belong to the third category . both family and career are important ,
but the most
important thing to me is all people that i love and love me are happy each day . therefore , i ‘d like to balance career and family . once i could deal with pressure from work and family properly ,i ‘ m successful .