解决交通拥挤的方法时间:2012-02-03来源:栏目:英语六级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?怎样解决城市交通拥挤问题如何解决城市交通拥挤问题Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people’s daily life and economic development. How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?
怎样解决城市交通拥挤问题如何解决城市交通拥挤问题Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining
about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people’s daily life and economic development. T o solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be built. In this way,
the traffic density can be rednced hence speeding up the flow of buses and cars.But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses soon.
Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other hand, this will affect the consumption and make buses more crowded.
In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control. And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly. ( 151 words)
第五行redncedi应改为reduced,第八行,on the other hand 本文来自作文地带:
雅思范文参考:用纳税人的钱改善交通状况时间:2010-08-12来源:英语学习方法栏目:雅思英语作文作者:雅思作文英语作文收藏:收藏本文雅思范文仅供参考,不可背诵,更不可用于实际考试,否则可能因为雷同得到极低分数,甚至0分。用纳税人的钱修路,改善交通状况T o construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However, where does the money come from? Somebody believe that the governmen
T o construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However, where does the money come from? Somebody believe that the government should allocate money
from national finance on the road construction; but others think that the roads are constructed for people, so every tax-payer has the responsibility for constructing and maintaining the roads. It is so called
T o the first opinion, since government is the administrative organ, it has responsibility to do overall plan on those public services of city construction, including constructing the road. They think that the government should do plan and allocate every penny on all things concerning people’s life.
However in reality, the government cannot do all specific plans and money allocations on every detail concerning the society running. It only has the right of macro-adjustment and control. T o be specific on the road construction, many people believe that based on the principle above, since the road is constructed for the convenience of people themselves, every tax-payer has duty to devote a little on the road construction, which is not only for the city overall plan, but
also for their own use fundamentally. Once the constructions finish, the roads will be wider and longer, the facilities along the roads will be better in use, by then people could further improve their working efficiency, etc..
As I know, the second opinion is more reasonable and feasible, because it has two advantages: 1. The
government could reduce heavy burdens, simplify and make clear the usage of money; 2. T ax-payers are clear about the usage of money they turn over, thus improve the transparency. Therefore, it is a good measure for both sides to allocate money from the tax paid by people on the road construction. joozone
城市交通拥挤的原因英语作文时间:2010-04-23来源:英语作文网栏目:原创英语作文作者:英语作文收藏:收藏本文我要点评城市交通拥挤的原因英语作文The Causes of Traffic Congestion in Big Cities(Joozone Note)1.大城市普遍交通拥挤;2.导致大城市交通拥挤的原因。
The Causes of Traffic Congestion in Big Cities(Joozone Note)