八年级英语下册《Module 8 Time off》重点短语及语法汇总外研版_百度文 ...
Module 8  Time off
1. listen to  听...
2. walk along  沿着......走
3. allow sb to do sth  允许某人做某事
4. climb up  爬上
5. be famous for  因...而著名
6. take up  占用;占去
7. point out  指出
8. at the top of  在...的顶部
9.&  如此...以至于...
10. time off  放假期间
11. look like  看起来像
12. wake sb up  叫醒某人
13. have a wonderful time 玩得高兴
14. be back to  返回
15. make some noise 制造一些噪音
16. look for 寻
17. find out  查出
18.&any more 不再...
19. fall asleep  入睡
1.so...that 如此...以至于
  hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事
hear sb do sth 听见某人做某事
It’s so quite here that I can even hear the birds singing.
2.hardly 几乎不 hard adj.难的  adv.困难地;努力地
  I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre. 我几乎不能相信我们在市中心。
  He works so hard that he can hardly hear my words.
3.I am sure it will be fantastic to see the city from the top. 我确定从山顶看城市会很棒。
  Be sure that 确定  It is + adj+to do sth 做...事很...
4.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
  I don’t think they allow people to swim in the lake. 我不认为他们允许人们在湖里游泳。
5.promise to do sth 许诺做某事
I promise to write. 我承诺写信。
6.wake sb. up 叫醒某人( wake - woke- woken)
  It woke everybody up. 它叫醒了每个人。
7.We thought somebody was moving about. 我们认为有人在走动。
  somebody 某些人 everybody 每个人 anybody 任何人
  somewhere 某些地方 everywhere 每一处  anywhere 任何地方
  something 某些事  everything 每件事  anything 任何事情
  不定代词后面加adj: somewhere interesting
8.come out 出来
without doing sth 没有做某事
make noise 制造噪音
  We came out without making any noise. 我们没有制造任何噪音就出来了。
9.hope to do sth 希望做某事
hope that 希望...
From the top we hope to see the lakes and forests.
  I hope it will be cooler up there.我希望上面会变得更凉快。
10.It was a pity that it was cloudy. 很遗憾是阴天。
  What a pity! 多遗憾!
11. the second-largest freshwater lake. 第二大淡水湖
12.Wish you were here. 希望你在这里。
I wish I didn’t come here. 我希望我没来过这里。
  Wish to do sth 想要做某事 
I wish to be an astronaut. 我想成为一个宇航员。
be famous for 因为...而出名            take up 占据 
point out 指出 look nice and cool 看起来很美好和酷 
go for a swim 去游泳  why don’t we do sth 为什么我们不做...?        have a picnic 野炊    at the top of 在...的顶端       
come on 快点  let’s not do sth 让我们不做某事   
  stay with 和...待在一起                look like 看起来像
have a good/wonderful time 玩得开心      by a small lake 在小湖边 move about 四处移动  look for 寻     
pull a leaf off 拔出一片叶子      protect 保护
1. 宾语从句定义
名词、代词、动词的-ing形式或to do形式都可以作宾语,例如buy a book, beat him, stop doing sth.want to do sth.等。这些例子中的宾语是用一个单词或短语来表达的。
但是当要用英语表达“我知道你昨天去看电影了”时,我们就无法在know后用一个单词表达出“你昨天去看电影了”这个意思。“你昨天去看电影了”这个结构中包含行为本身,行为的发出者和行为的承受者,是一个完整的句子,因此只能用句子表达。这种放在动词后面作宾语的句子, 我们称为“宾语从句”。
2. 宾语从句分为三类:
(1)that 引导的宾语从句
I hope (that) it will snow this winter. 我希望这个冬天下雪。
(2)whether/if 引导的宾语从句
I’m not sure if he will come. 我不确定他明天是否来。
I want to know what he will do next. 我想知道接下来他要做什么。
3. that引导的宾语从句
当谓语动词表示肯定的概念,如“希望、相信、知道、说”时,其后面的句子一般用that引导。that 没有任何词汇含义,只有语法功能,目的是使读者清楚后面的句子是宾语从句。多数情况下 that 可以省略。例如:
I hope (that) it will snow this winter. 我希望这个冬天下雪。
Betty thinks (that) trees can improve the air. 贝蒂认为树木可以改善空气。
常接 that 宾语从句的谓语动词有:believe, expect, explain, feel, hear, hope, imagine, prefer, promise, report, say, see, tell, think, under, stand, warn, wish等。
4. 宾语从句的时态
He says that he wants to see him as soon as possible. 他说他想尽快见到他。(现在) 
He said that he wanted to see him as soon as possible. 他说他想尽快见到他。(过去) 
He says that he is mending his bike. 他说他正在修理自行车。(现在)
He said that he was mending his bike. 他说他正在修理自行车。(过去)
The teacher told us that the earth goes round the sun. 老师告诉我们地球绕着太阳转。
5. 宾语从句的否定转移
主句是 I/We think/suppose/guess/ believe 等,从句中的否定习惯上要转移到主句中,这就是否定转移。
误:I think chickens can not swim. 
正:I don't think chickens can swim.
1. We are spending some time o _______in Los Angeles.
2. The t ________is very busy in the morning, so we’d better drive slower.
3. I have p________ you more than three times.
4. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the w _______city clearly.
5. There are less and less p ________in the nature because of the environmental pollution.
